Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Responses from my Pearl Harbor Tribute

Today it is 5 degrees F with a feels like Wind Chill of -16 degrees, therefore I am not venturing out.  I would like to share some of the responses to my Pearl Harbor Tribute posting.

Enjoyed reading your blog regarding Pearl Harbor.  I have a cousin who was at Pearl Harbor on December 7th.  He is now 87 years young and today will be a special day for him and a group of his buddies who always get together on December 7th.  Last year he told me this may be the last year as their numbers are very low and difficult for some to travel.  He grew up on a farm near Randolph, Nebraska and now lives in Oregon.  Jerry Sellentin

I enjoyed your blog.  I have had the honor of speaking at Memorial Day and Veterans Day programs, I am not a veteran.  Every time, I become quite choked up when looking at the veterans in their VFW or American Legion uniforms. Thanks for sharing!   Rick Meyer

Thank you Bud for sharing, I truly enjoyed your writing sections, and have forwarded your e-mail with Blog address to my parents, encouraging them to open and review.  You reminded me of my Father's growing up stories with his Mother and 9 brothers and sisters, who found ways to make the best out of very little while growing up during those War Conflict times.  His brothers and sisters called him Billy, but he came to be known as Bill when he became of age and enlisted into the Air Force, after WWII ended.  It seams like each one of his brothers and sisters had their own story to tell, which was their impression and personal experiences - different from his - largely based on the age difference/gap between his siblings.  Thanks again Bud, and God Bless.   William R. Johnson

I will not include all of the one liner responses as they all were very similar - all sharing their "Thanks for the Memories" relative to December 7th 1941.  It is like other World War II special days in our lives when we remember, where we were at the time, what we were thinking, and how it affected us.  Several special days come to mind:  June 4th 1942-Battle of  Midway, Nov 15th 1942-Battle of Guadalcanal, Dec 16th 1944-Battle of the Bulge, April 12th 1945-Franklin D. Roosevelt dies, May 18th we celebrated-VE-Day, and finally on August 15th 1945 we celebrated VJ-Day.

If you have special memories of World War II - please share them by emailing me at -

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