Thursday, December 3, 2009

Decembers in Nebraska

December is here and with this blast of cold air and we all can go back to other Decembers and recall different images.  When it's 26 degrees with a wind chill that brings it down to 13 on this 3rd of December it is natural to think back on either warmer Decembers or full fledge blizzards.  What's your memory?  Respond to my blog today via the comment line and share some of your December memories.

I do remember that when you were a kid and usually spent many cold days outside it didn't really bother you that much.  You would layer your clothes and top it off with your heaviest coat, gloves,  and a stocking cap - you could handle any temperature when it was important to be outside.

Today it is different - I don't have to be outside.  Is it my age or am I just getting too soft?  What decisions are you making today that are totally different then when you were a kid.  Interesting isn't it!

I'm going to post pictures from the past that will show you God's ability to paint our atmosphere with a different brush.


Hope you enjoy - keep warm!

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