Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Gibbon's Secrets - Chapter 19 - December 8th 1941

     On December 8th - President Franklin Delano Roosevelt announced to the nation by radio that the United States had declared war on Japan.  Several days following our declaration of war against Japan - Germany declared war on the United States.
     These events were blows felt by the entire country, and it could quickly be seen that this small town of Gibbon was showing its own effects of these blows.  It's young men were quickly heading to the recruitment centers in Kearney and Grand Island.  The Five Friends Forever banded together to pledge a patriotic bond supporting the United State until World War II ends in victory.

     I do remember the terrible feeling we had at that time in our lives - wondering what we could do to show our support, and wondering how kids our age were feeling in Germany and Japan.  It was a tough time for all of us and one that some of you reading this blog have also gone through.  We did survive the war but I do think World War II left it's mark on all that experienced it.

     Now - on December 8th, 2009, here in Lincoln Nebraska at just after 8:00pm; we are in the middle of our first big snow storm of the season.  We have already received over 6" of snow with maybe another 6" on the way - with a strong North wind that is causing blizzard like conditions.  Another good night to stay in, watch TV, or read a good book.  I just pray for safe driving for anyone that has to be out and about here in Lincoln tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Bud---I wasn't born during WWII but growing up in the early 50s I heard plenty about the war. For any comparison, I suppose I felt as you did when I watched TV on 9/11. So violated and this is my America! ---- I enjoyed reading your blog as it brought back many memories of my childhood. I feel very blessed to have been just a kid growing up. We didn't need to worry about all the ugly things happening in our country that today's kids do. We felt safe....how wonderful is that? Thank you for the memories!
