Friday, December 4, 2009

Gibbon's Secrets - Ch 34 - World War II Time Line 1943

December 4th - 1943
In the Pacific 6 US carriers and 9 cruisers attack Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands, resulting in the sinking of 6 Japanese transports and other vessels damaged, as well as 55 Japanese aircrafts shot down.

When you are 11 years old and turning 12 in about a month and a half, a story like this has a special meaning;  especially knowing that your hero, Dale Pitke, a sailor in the South Pacific,  could be in that battle.  This news story was in my dad's scrap book and was very important to me.  My four buddies and I did a lot of pretending during those times, and of course we were in those battles right along side of Dale.  We would write letters to Dale telling him about our pretend games and how we always made him the hero in them.  

In three days we will be remembering a December 7th, sixty seven years ago - December 7th, 1941.  I will have a special blog on December 7th honoring all of the servicemen and women that died in that attack on Pearl Harbor.  I will include my memories of that day as well as some old pictures that will show you how it looked during the attack.  Check out my blog as I'll be sharing some painful memories.

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