Thursday, December 24, 2009

Chapter 27 - "Gibbon's Secrets" - Christmas 1942

Christmas time 1942 was for caring and sharing, and the Phelps family seemed to come together as close as they ever had been.

It was a different Christmas, with so many of the boys away from home, and so many changes happening in and around Gibbon.  Christmas Eve found a large crowd at the Baptist Church for the candlelight service.  There was a close-knit group of people with the Phelps family caroling on the South Side of Gibbon, and now had arrived at the church for this special time.  Reg and Addie brought a young man from North Carolina with them for the service, Lt. Jim Jones, along with Jean and Bud.  Lorraine, Jack, Rose and Tom had also been caroling with them, and joined in the church to continue their Christmas worship.

After the service, everyone gathered around the young lieutenant, wanting him to feel the warmth of this small town.  Erskine Claar introduced himself to Lt Jones, and said,  "It is good that you are with our family at Christmas.  I have been holding a prayer vigil at our church each Saturday morning, and you are welcome to join us as we pray for the many servicemen and women serving our country."  Lt. Jones said, "Thank you for your prayers and your family support.  These are the things that keep us going while we further our training."  Jean was shy around this young man, but said, "We're glad that you could join us during this special time of the year." Bud said, "Welcome to Gibbon, Lieutenant Jones, you are now an honorary member of the Phelps family."  Lt. Jones said to the two kids, "Thank you both for the nice welcome.  It is my pleasure to be included as part of your family."

Here we are again, praying for many servicemen and women serving our country across the globe.  Right now we are in the middle of a blizzard so we need to pray for anyone out and about on these Nebraska highways as the windchills are in the minus double digit readings.  Many of the planned Christmas activities and church services have been cancelled - including our family that would normally be together and our oldest daughter's house tonight.  Also, our plans to be at our middle daughters house tomorrow has also been postponed.  I know that they are all giving thanks for the special celebration of Christ's Birthday which is much more important and our family gatherings can be held a couple days late.

God Bless you all and Merry Christmas.  

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