Monday, December 28, 2009

Chapter 28 - "Gibbon's Secrets" - Reg's Scrapbook - World War II 1942

December 28th - 1942
The German Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht gives orders for the retreat of the German Army out of Kaukasus.

My dad, Reg Phelps, added this note at the end of Chapter 28:
     It has been a very painful effort for me to continue putting this time-line of news stories together for my scrapbook, as World War II continues through the year of 1942.  I have reached several very low points, with just a few high points recorded.  I am so proud of all our troops, from the sailors involved in their battles at sea, to our soldiers and marines in their battles on land.  I continue to marvel at their patriotism, and have included them in my nightly prayers.  I will continue to do so until this war is won.
Reg Phelps
Gibbon, Nebraska

I am so lucky that dad collected all of those news stories from World War II and preserved them in the three scrap books that he left for me.  We need to remember the history of World War II and that is one of the basic reasons that I wrote my book, "Gibbon's Secrets".

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