Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Pledge made by a nine year old

As you will note by reading about that infamous Sunday - December 7th 1941 - in my book "Gibbon's Secrets"; a nine year old boy (soon to be 10 on January 31, 1942) made a pledge to a sailor that was home on leave in Gibbon Nebraska, when his ship was sunk at Pearl Harbor.  I told my hero Dale that when I grew up I would join the Navy to honor him, and did in March 1951 - serving four years.  I have loved the US Navy ever since that day and will continue to honor her by the pictorial inserts you see me place on this blog from time to time.

I am especially proud of the aircraft carriers and planes that fly off of and land on them because I served aboard the USS Valley Forge (a proud carrier that served us well during the Korean Conflict.

The above smaller pictures are of me and some of the friends that served with me in the Navy (the two on the left are of that "salty dog" - ME).  The center picture is of the swimming pool at GTMO Cuba in 1953 with the USS Valley Forge in the background.  I think the skinny young man closest to the rail in the center of the picture was me (my hair is about the short today).

A Destroyer Escort coming along side the Valley Forge for re-fueling.

Well now you know why I like to share the Navy pictures with you here on my blog - hopefully you enjoy them too.

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