From December 7th 1941 'till September 3nd 1945, which is just short of four years, the United States had been involved in World War II. This won't be the end; occupation forces will be maintained, help to re-build the nations will be brought about, and the war trials will be held. Unfortunately, this will not stop all evil in the world. The United States will do its part to rebuild the nations of the world through aid and support programs, but... Again, unfortunately, this also will be forgotten by the same nations that we helped, and evil will still remain in the world.
Individual families that experienced World War II in their home towns will remember the sacrifices they went through, and their many contributions toward the war effort. They will remember the ordinary patriots.
I dedicated my book "Gibbon's Secrets" to all of these ordinary patriots. So much was accomplished in those four years - please remember and honor all of our vets!
Picture taken in front of our Grand Island townhouse

Never forget this image taken on September 11th - pieces from one of the planes that hit the tower went through the roof of the building where the Muslims want to build their mosque.
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