Thursday, August 5, 2010

Chapter 19 - Gibbon's Secrets - December 1941

     The radio was on, with a low pleasant sound of music in the background, when the song was interrupted with a news flash.  "It was just reported that Japan has delivered simultaneous bombing attacks on Pearl Harbor, the Philippines, Wake Island, and Guam.  Japanese forces have invaded Malaya and Thailand, seizing Shanghai, and declaring war on the United States and Great Britain"

     Everyone was in shock! Dale immediately contacted the Naval Headquarters in California, and was ordered to return at once. Bud said, "I want you to know that you are my hero, and I will think of you every day.  I promise that when I'm old enough I'm going to join the Navy, too."  "Thanks  Bud, I'd like you to do me a favor while I'm gone.  I want you to be my pen-pal, and keep me posted on what's happening here at home.  Will you do that for me?"  Dale said.
       "You bet!  I promise to write you every week, and probably my buddies will add little notes, too."  said Bud.

Like I said on the previous posting - I will honor the US Navy for the rest of my life.  

When we visited Winnipeg Canada in June, I purchased a silver coin honoring the 100th anniversary of the Canadian Navy - from the Canadian Mint.

See - I'm hooked on the Navy!!!    

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