Saturday, August 21, 2010

How many of you take your Health for granted?

Our health, excuse the expression, sometimes isn't important enough until we have a health problem.  It is a very fragile thing, "Our Health", and we really get serious when ourselves or our loved ones have a problem.  I was required to take my wife Pat to the hospital recently because of two weeks of continued diarrhea sapping her strength, taking away her potassium and fluid levels, and causing a quick loss of 5 pounds.  Pat is a small lady so she really didn't have the extra weight to loose.  When your fluid levels are depleted, your strength levels fall quite rapidly.

We checked her into the hospital, they started the fluids and potassium flowing through an IV, and wouldn't you know - her strength levels rapidly started back.  We need to be ready to turn our problems over to the Lord, rather than stewing about them.  He can direct the doctors to give us the treatments we need, and help our bodies to cope with whatever the problems are.  Why do we hesitate?  Human nature I guess.

Anyway, thank goodness, she is back home and now resting comfortably.  If you remember the last time you were in the hospital - the night noises can keep you from getting the proper rest.  We need to just get well enough to go home so you can catch up on the sleep we lost when we were sick, plus the night noises at the hospital.

All I'm really saying tonight is - Thank you Lord - and rest easy Pat.

Remember, don't take your health for granted.

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