Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Veterans Day Remembrance - Chapter 19 "Gibbon's Secrets"

     On December 7th 1941 - Reg, Addie, Jean and Bud were visiting next door at their neighbors, George and Cecil Pitke's.  The Pitke's had invited them over for Sunday dinner after church.  When everyone was seated around the table, Cecil said, "I wanted to share this special treat of having our son Dale home on leave from the Navy."  Dale quickly responded, "Mom and Dad, you are such a blessing to me and being home with you is really something special.  Dad, would you say grace before our meal?"
     George said, "It is with pleasure today, that I thank Thee Lord for the joy of spending this Sunday with our son Dale and our special friends the Phelps'.  Lord, we ask Thee to continue protecting our loved ones and to bless this food that is set before us.  In Jesus' name we pray - Amen."

Then later in this chapter came this announcement!  

     The radio was on, with a low pleasant sound of music in the background, when the song was interrupted with a news flash.  "It was just reported that Japan has delivered simultaneous bombing attacks on Pearl Harbor, the Philippines, Wake Island, and Guam.  Japanese forces have invaded Malaya and Thailand, seizing Shanghai, and declaring war on the United States and Great Britain." 

I insert this portion of my book "Gibbon's Secrets" as a tribute to the men and women in our US Armed Services that were killed in this attack on Pearl Harbor and to all killed or injured during the World War II engagements.  I also pay tribute to all of the United States Veterans  who have served in the past and in the present - God Bless You and Your Families! 

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