Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Chapter 32 - "Gibbon's Secrets" - Kearney Army Airfield 1943

Kearney Army Airfield brought both business and celebrities to the area.  Gibbon, being so close to Kearney, had the opportunity to share in this increase in business, and the kids in town enjoyed seeing the huge B-29's flying along the Wood River channel.  It seemed as though the planes would follow the river as a part of their training exercise, and Bud's friends spent time under this fly-by pattern, pretending they were part of this war exercise.  Each time a B-29 would fly over they would make up different battle situations relative to their bombing run.

Bud hunkered down near a bend in the river, and said, "Hang tight guys.  As soon as their bombing run is over, we'll attack the village, and save our officer that was captured by the Japs.  Donny, Stanley and I will be opposite side of the town square, and when I blow my whistle everyone move in toward the 'City Hall'."

Duncan said, "I'll circle around the other side of twon with Wally, and when we hear the signal will move in quickly."

Just the, a big B-29 skimmed the tree tops along the river.  Bud thought to himself, 'This is perfect timing, how neat is this.'

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