Saturday, November 28, 2009

Gibbon's Secrets - Ch 27 - Thanksgiving 1942

Thanksgiving again brought the family together with Grandpa and Grandma Claar at the Phelps' home for dinner.  Reg offering to say the blessing said, "Lord, we have had a tough year, and I don't think our family would have made it if it hadn't been for Thee at our side.  We are thankful for so many things, with the safety Thou hast given to our family being uppermost in my thoughts.  I ask Thee to bless this food that is set before us.  Please put Thy healing and protective hands on all of our servicemen and women scattered around the world.  We also ask Thee to be a comfort to all of the lonely people who have been separated from their loved ones because of this conflict.  We pray these things in Jesus Christ's name, Amen."  Grandpa Claar said, "Thank you Reg, for your wonderful prayer, and thank Thee Lord for Thy Bounty."

The above was from my book, "Gibbon's Secrets", and it was my reminder of my dad's prayer that Thanksgiving back in 1942.  I made the same type of prayer Thanksgiving,  we just celebrated this week - I did pray for the healing and protection of our servicemen and women who are again scattered around the world 67 years after that 1942 Thanksgiving.  Again lonely people are separated from their loved ones because of a new conflict - needing our prayers and support.  I ask any and all of you that are reading this blog to set aside time this coming week to repeat my prayer - it is so needed at this time and would be so appreciated by the individuals either presently in the service of our country or are at home waiting for their safe return.  


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