Wednesday, November 4, 2009

From Chapter 15 - "Gibbon's Secrets" - Growing up in Gibbon

It was great fun growing up in Gibbon.  All the kids took advantage of the summer by spending time outside from morning till night.  In the evenings they played games.  Some of the favorites were - 'Kick the Can', 'Anny-Anny Over', and the one that seemed to be the overall favorite, 'Hide and Seek'.  The older kids would always help the younger ones with 'Hide and Seek'; both to improve their hiding skills, and with gentle hands over their mouths, their ability to stay very quite.  The boys especially liked to keep their hiding places secret from the girls.  One evening as they were hiding, Wally said, "Do you think we can keep the girls from finding us this time, Bud?"  "I know we can, Wally!  We just have to be as quiet as a mouse, and when they pass by us, run like a deer to home base."  Wally said, "It seems to me you're getting a lot of animals involved in our game of "Hide and Seek'."  Bud laughed, "That's a good one, Wally, you know what I mean."

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