Saturday, November 21, 2009

Chapter 23 - "Gibbon's Secrets" - Spring of 1942

Now with the spring of 1942 just around the corner, more changes were in store for this central Nebraska area. Meetings had been held regarding the development of an ordnance plant just west of Grand Island.
The government had purchased 1,920 acres of farmland west of Grand Island, and the plant was to be named “The Cornhusker Ordnance Plant”. This was just one of many ammunition plants to be built across the United States this year to support the war effort. This particular plant was being designed with separate lines; to produce either bombs or artillery shells.

Reg went for an appointed meeting with the general contractor regarding hauling gravel for the construction of the ordnance plant.  Th e General Superintendent for the Kiewit-Condon Company was Mr. Dan Bell. “Hi Reg, we meet again. It has always been my pleasure working with you. I’m sure that all your trucks will be needed to haul the gravel for this project.” Reg said, “I’m glad to be involved in the ordnance plant project, Mr. Bell, and I’m sure my guys will be able to meet the scheduling requirements with my trucks.”

“Reg, you can drop the mister; it’s Dan from this point forward. I will fi ll out the necessary paperwork and have everything ready for you to sign within the next couple of days. Come back over to my office Monday. construction is scheduled to start on March 1st.”

Monday morning Reg walked into Mr. Bell’s offi ce, and introduced himself to his secretary. “My name is Reg Phelps, and Mr. Bell requested that I stop back here today about my contract for the ordnance plant
project.” “Have a seat Mr. Phelps and I’ll advise him that you are here.”  She returned to the outer office and said, “Mr. Bell will see you now.”  Reg was ushered into Mr. Bell’s offi ce. “Good morning Mr. Bell, I am
here as you requested to pick up the paperwork for the ordnance plant project.” Dan said, “Good morning Reg, remember you can call me Dan. Have a seat, and let’s talk over the project.” Reg said, “Okay Dan, all my trucks are available, and I’m looking forward to a project that will certainly help our war effort here in central Nebraska.”

“I agree Reg, and that is one of the major reasons that I’m excited about the project. I’ll get right to the point. We would like to hire your three trucks to haul gravel for the ordnance plant project. We will give you a
required schedule, and will make all of the arrangements for acquiring the gravel from pits as close as possible to the site.”

“Will I be able to take care of my other customers during the same time period, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your schedule?” “Reg, we will give you the schedule of our needs for the gravel, and the specific days involved. Hopefully you can work out your other customers’ needs around this schedule. How does that sound?”

“That sounds great Dan, I don’t see any problems, and I do thank you for including me in this project. I promise to do my best to meet all of the required deadlines. With my three trucks I don’t foresee any problems.”

“Okay, Reg. Give me your mailing address and I’ll get the schedule worked out and send it to you shortly. We want to start construction on March 1st, if at all possible.”

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