Sunday, September 13, 2009

UNSA 1949 60th Reunion

The above seal was found in the Girl's Dorm as we were making our tour of the UNSA (UNCT) campus during the celebration of the 1949 60th reunion in Curtis on the 11th & 12th of September 2009.  Dale Wolf pulled the people carrier around the campus with his antique John Deere tractor and you can see him behind the podium, in one of the classes rooms, pretending he was teaching our class.  Imogene Vickers Olsen was also trying to be helpful by pointing out a unique sign on one of the class room doors. 

Dale can be seen in the following picture strumming his guitar and leading a small group in song.

I will now show you a random sampling of the 1949 classmates that attended the reunion.

I will be sending Dale a CD of all the pictures I took at the reunion and he will be compiling an accumulation of other pictures for everyone.  It was a great time and good to see all the classmates again.

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