Friday, September 11, 2009

2nd 1949 High School Reunion

We are just about ready to leave for the trip to Curtis, NE for the 1949 Class Reunion.  I was invited by friends from Gibbon to attend the 1949 Class Reunion (I would have graduated with these friends if my folks would have stayed in Gibbon).  We moved to Curtis in 1944 as World War II was at its peak.  In last chapters of my book "Gibbon's Secrets" I do include the story of  friendships developed in Curtis, one being my neighbor and life long friend (Vernon "Sonny" Shirley).

So, now we are headed for this 2nd 1949 reunion and I have been selected to take candid shots of the individuals attending this 60th reunion.  I will post a selection of these next week.

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