Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Please contact me if you find my blog interesting

I have been sharing bits and pieces from my two books and have been curious if anyone out there finds this interesting.  I haven't really heard from anyone but my closest friends regarding my blog and would like to hear from more of you.

I was invited to attend the 60th reunion of the 1949 high school class in Gibbon - by a classmate that I would have graduated with had my family stayed in Gibbon.  We moved to Curtis, NE in 1944 and I will be attending my 60th high school reunion for the 1949 class this coming weekend (9/11-12/2009).  Pretty neat, don't you think.

I had heard from a lady from Gibbon after she had read my book "Gibbon's Secrets" and she wanted me to meet her at the reunion and to sign her copy of my book.  Her name is Arlene Williams and she proved to me that it is a very small world we live in.  She told me that she had worked for my mother Addie as a hired girl to clean the house and to do ironing - she was a young teenager at the time.  Not only did she work for my mother but her brother Bruce worked for my father as one of his truck drivers.  She shared a time when she was in a hospital in Kansas and was visited by my father and her brother.  She remembered watching out the window of the hospital as my father and her brother struggled to turn a gasoline tank truck around in a very small parking lot.  Arlene is 87 years old and is communicating via email with her friends and family - that is how she contacted me and I found her to be a joy.

Another lady at the reunion told me that she had read my book "Gibbon's Secrets" and found that my stories about growing up during World War II reminded her of the same type of happenings while she was growing up - but she did add that the book was sure full of baloney.  I advised her that another term for "baloney" was "fiction".  She agreed and we had a good laugh together.  Most of the experiences that I tell about in the book are fact based but I'll admit that at times I did stretch the truth a bit (that's what makes a story interesting).

Anyway, please let me know what you think about my blog - I would appreciate hearing from you.

RG Bud Phelps  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bud!
    Your blog is interesting! Mom and I just looked at the reunion pictures and read about your comments, reflections RE: baloney/fiction! Very good point re: fiction!
    I alson enjoyed reading 3 Cups of Tea. A neat way to impact the world.
    I will read more of your blog later. I'm enjoying your book - Gibbon's Secrets!
