Friday, September 25, 2009

Three Cups of Tea

I just finished reading the book, "Three Cups of Tea" - One Man's Mission to Promote Peace...One School at a Time, by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin.

This is a story about Greg Mortenson, the director of the Central Asia Institute, and how he dedicated his life to building schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan.  It's difficult for me to give you a total review of the book, but to me it is a story about a man willing to face many hardships to accomplish his goals of building schools to bring the gift of literacy to children deprived of education due to poverty, exploitation, slavery, gender discrimination, religious extremism, and corrupt governments.

It is not a totally easy read book but one that will pull you right into the story - giving you the feeling that you are right there with Greg Mortenson during his struggles to accomplish the goals to - Promote Peace...One School at a Time.
Three Cups of Tea

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