Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Gibbon's Secrets - Ch 13 January 1941

     The winter still was holding on tight, with flakes of snow gently floating down from dark gray, puffy clouds.  The low temperatures seemed threatening to both man and beast (even boys).  Bud and his friends would seek refuge in Mr. Ross's big red barn during the cold days of winter.  The barn's haymow was packed high with hay, and the cows were all lined up in their stalls with their heads deep in the mangers munching on hay.  This created warmth that drew the boys in to it like a magnet.
     The boys loved being up in the haymow because it was a nice, warm and dry place to play on cold days.  Jumping off of the rafters into the hay was great fun.  Bud climbed out to the middle of one of the big rafters and yelled, "Captain Marvel, hero to the downtrodden, is diving off of this bridge to save that person who fell off his speed-boat into the churning water."  Duncan said, "I'm with you, Captain Marvel."  Wally followed suit by yelling, "I'm the Green Hornet; crime fighter for the helpless."  Stanley jumped off right after Wally, yelling, "The Green Hornet's right hand man is following you, sir."

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