Wednesday, December 1, 2010

World War II - 1941 excerpts from "Gibbon's Secrets"

Looking inside Chapter 19 - "Gibbon's Secrets" 1941

The radio was on, with a low pleasant sound of music in the background, when the son was interrupted with a news flash.  "It was just reported that Japan has delivered simultaneous bombing attacks on Pearl Harbor, the Philippines, Wake Island, and Guam.  Japanese forces have invaded Malaya and Thailand, seizing Shanghai, and declaring war on the United State and Great Britain."

On December 8th - President Franklin Delano Roosevelt announced to the nation by radio that the United States had declared war on Japan.  Several days following our declaration of war against Japan - Germany declared war on the United States.

These events were blows felt by the entire country, and it could quickly be seen that this small town of Gibbon was showing its own effects of these blows.  Its young men were quickly heading to the recruitment centers in Kearney and Grand Island.  The Five Friends Forever banded together to pledge a patriotic bond supporting the United States until World War II ends in victory.

Reg's key highlights during December of  1941

December 7th 1941 - Japanese aircraft launch a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, (also on the Philippines, Wake Island, Guam, Malaya, and Thailand).

December 8th 1941 - United States declares war on Japan.

December 8th 1941 - German offensive drive in Russia bogs down.

December 9th 1941 - China declares war on Japan and Germany.

December 11th 1941 - Germany and Italy declare war on the United States and sign new military alliance with Japan.

December 11th 1941 - United States declares war on Germany and Italy.

December 13th 1941 - Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania declare war on US.

December 20th 1941 - Chennault's Flying Tigers enter combat.

December 23rd 1941 - Wake Island captured by the Japanese.

December 24th 1941 - General MacArthur decides to evacuate Manila and withdraw to Bataan.

December 25th 1941 - British forces surrender Hong Kong to the Japanese.

Reg's Summary at the end of the 1941 World War II Time-Line

In 1940, we were involved in helping our allies in Europe.  Now, in 1941, the United States is totally involved in World War II on two fronts - in the Pacific against Japan, and in the Atlantic against Germany and Italy.  All of our attempts to stay out of the war finally ended with the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor - followed by Germany and Italy declaring war on the United States.

It's gratifying that young men and women, from all walks of life across the united States,including our young people here in Gibbon, volunteered to be a part of the US armed forces.  "Patriotism" is very obvious all over the United States, as seen in the newspaper articles that I have added to this scrapbook.  I, for one, believe it will continue until this war is won.  I am anticipating a surge of support here in Gibbon, on our home front, for all our young men and women in the armed services during 1942 and beyond.

Until this war is won!

Reg Phelps 
Gibbon, Nebraska

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