Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Gibbon's Secrets - Thanksgiving 1941

I felt it would be very appropriate to give you a little taste (excuse the expression) of how Thanksgiving 1941 was. 

From Chapter 18 - Gibbon's Secrets -
     Thanksgiving is more than just a day to have a big turkey dinner with all the trimmings.  It is a special day that one can make known to one's family and friends the things most thankful for.  So, on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, the boys decided to meet at the Big Red Barn to share the things they were most thankful for this year.  They had already shared their Thanksgiving for God's protection when they were following the stranger.
     Bud said, "I'm most thankful for my four friends, and all of the good times we had together this year - especially the secrets that we shared."  Donny said, "I'm most thankful for the stranger being caught.  The thought of him still makes me shiver, with a chill that seems to run from my neck and all the way down my back."  Duncan said, "I agree with Donny and Bud, I'm thankful we helped catch the stranger and also for my four friends, and like Bud said, I'm thankful for the secrets."  Wally said, "I'm most thankful for the fun times we had fishing and camping this last summer.  Being able to eat the fish you catch just can't be beat."  Stanley said, "I'm most thankful that you guys are such special friends for me.  You're always there when I need you most, and I'll never forget it."

     The Phelps' family was now seated around a Thanksgiving table overflowing with a plentiful harvest of food, and they all had so many things to be thankful for this year.  Reg said, "First, I would like Erskine to lead us in our Thanksgiving prayer, and after dinner I will ask each of you to share the most important things you are thankful for this year."
     Erskine asked everyone around the table to hold hands, and said, "Heavenly Father, we have so many things to praise Thee and thank Thee for this year.  It is difficult to choose just one.  We did so vividly see the healing power of prayer by simply looking into Reg's face, and thank Thee for granting our prayers for this healing power.  We hear of the many heroic acts performed to either protect, or actually save individuals in the many war-torn cities in Europe.  We thank Thee for protecting Bud and his friends as they encountered the stranger that was in our midst.  Now, we ask Thee to bless this food that is set before us.  May we use it to nourish our bodies for more complete service to Thee?"  Everyone at the table felt the strength of Erskine Claar's prayer, and in unison they all said, "Amen."
     They spent the afternoon together sharing the things that they were most thankful for.  Jean shared her joy of finding the Indian Spear Point.  Bud shared the satisfaction of tracking the stranger, and learning the importance of highway safety, as well as the friendship of Jack Shaunesey.  It had been such a busy and important year; beginning with the tragedy of Reg's accident, and his miraculous healing that was the most important single thing for the entire family.

Now here it is Thanksgiving 2010, and each of us should share all the things we are so thankful for this year.  Thank God as He continues to bless our family, and I thank Him so very much for his protection and for His healing power for several of our family members this year.  

May God Bless all of you, and may you have a very blessed Thanksgiving 2010!


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