Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day - November 11, 2010

I am proud to say the I served in the United States Navy during the Korean Crises (1951-1955).  The U.S. Navy is the greatest Navy in the world and I just pray that our Congressmen will continue to support funding necessary to maintain or increase the needs necessary to support and protect the citizens of the United States of America.

I would like to share some of my picture collection relative to Navy Service for your enjoyment:

World War II Navy Poster

World War II Navy Poster

A U.S. Destroyer pulling along side the USS Valley Forge for refueling

Picture taken @ Gtmo Cuba in 1953

Navy swimming pool @ Gtmo Cuba in 1953 - USS Valley Forge in background

And now for a glimpse of our modern US Navy, I will share a picture of the USS George HW Bush

A sharp turn into the wind - USS George H.W. Bush - 2010

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