Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas 1941

     The Christmas of 1941 came during a time of mourning for the many service men and women lost in the attack on Pearl Harbor.  Dale Pitke's ship the "USS Arizona" sustained a loss of 1,100 lives.  Dale lost many friends that tragic day.  He also lost all of his own personal belongings that were left on the ship when he came home on leave.  He was very fortunate to have been home at that time, and the Gibbon townspeople all adopted him as their personal hero.  Bud started writing Dale soon after he returned to active duty.  He pledge that a weekly letter would be sent to Dale, until the day he came home again.  The Five Friends Forever helped Bud with the letters, and a strong bond was developed between this sailor and these five boys.

     Reg and Addie had already bought Bud a Schwinn bike for his Christmas present back in November.  It was probably very fortunate that they had, because with the war production now in full swing, bike production would probably be curtailed. Christmas Day arrived, and there was a small present under the tree for Bud from his Dad and Mom.  Bud opened that present first, and it contained a note that said, [Go with your Dad - he wants to take you for a special ride].  "I don't know what this is all about, but I'm ready for the special ride, Dad"  "Okay son, let's go see what we can see.  Put on your hat and coat thought.  It's pretty cold out there."
     Reg drove Bud to a warehouse building he rented to store things for his trucks in.  "Okay, let's go see what's in here. I'm going to pull your stocking cap down over your eyes and lead you into the warehouse.  Now, don't peek."  Reg opened the door and led Bud by the hand until they got inside - then he said, "You can pull up your cap now."  Bud pulled up his cap, and there stood a brand new red and cream Schwinn bike, with a big tag on it that said - [FOR BUD FROM DAD AND MOM].  His eyes got real big and small tears started to trickle down his cheeks.  He finally found his voice and said, "Oh Dad, I've wanted a bike like this all of my life!"  He ran over to his bike and said, "Can I ride it home?"  Reg said, "You sure can son; I'll follow right behind you in my truck."  Bud rode his new bike all the way and when he go home, he said, "You know Mom, my hands didn't even get cold.  Boy - oh - boy!  Dad and Mom, I am the luckiest boy in Gibbon, to have this neat bike.  Thank you so much."

     A tired and beat-up Father Time was ushering out 1941. and the new 1942 Baby was just around the corner - ready to enter the battle for freedom.  Everyone in this small town of Gibbon couldn't imagine the changes that were in store for them in the coming year.  Time will tell.............

These were definitely different times, just look around you this Christmas of 2010 and reflect on all of the changes to our world from that 1941 Christmas.  It would have been very hard to predict all of the changes we would see - not only in our country but in the whole world.  Now we again must pray for our men and women in the armed forces in defense of our freedoms.  I ask that you give them the special gift of prayer during this 2010 Christmas weekend, praying for both their safety while away and their safe passage home to their loved ones.

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