Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Practical Accounting Book - "Cover Your Nut"

It is always rewarding to work with a client needing practical accounting assistance. Today I met with a client who has the goal of bettering herself and her small business by gaining a better understanding of what is going on in her business daily. I referred her to my book, "Cover Your Nut", as a very good reference book on practical accounting. I am not just bragging up my book but honestly feel that most small businesses would rather have their accountant tell them what's going on rather than utilizing information available to them in my book. I preach to every small business person I meet or work with - the need for them to gain an understanding of Practical Accounting. The sub title to my book is - "Practical Accounting in Plain English for the Real World". A small businessman that can read and understand his own Financial Statements can present his company to a lender or an investor easier and can also be a better manager of his/her own business. Taking your financial statements to your banker without being asked for them really puts you ahead of the average businessman. If you get a chance go to my web site,, please review what I say about this book - it could give you a better understanding of accounting and become a great accounting reference book for your office. Thanks for reading my blog.

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