Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Love is an all inclusive subject

It's much easier to love something or someone than to appear to them with a helpful hand.

How many times has pride been swallowed rather than  open a can of worms about a persons life?

How many of you have tried to wash the sin away from the sinner rather than accept them for who they are?

In a friendship, don't wait for the other person to reach out first - you make the move.

As they say  (I also wonder who they are)  love the sinner but not the sin!

Do something special for someone before they actually need it to happen!

That is, like talking and becoming a friend with your banker before you actually need a banker.

Love the individuals involved in a special project, rather than the project itself!  Then, It just seems to happen.

Have you ever taken blame for something that has happened rather than get a friend in trouble by telling what actually happened?

Have you ever shared so much of yourself that your friend is the one that progresses first?.

I'ts like - what is more important - the chicken or the egg?

By treating someone special, helping them along the way and thinking that they are more important than you - will cause your own little star to shine much brighter along the way,

There is one thing that will happen if you do all thinks with someone else in mind - your heart will grow!

Which would you rather do - Reach out or Push out?

Remember - the road is always paved with good intentions.

Someone must "Walk the Walk" not just "Talk the Talk"!!!!!

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