Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Another beautiful day in Nebraska

Here it is the 20th of October and at 11:09pm it's still 60 degrees. I had SCORE desk duty today which is normally from 1:00pm to 3:00pm, but didn't get out of there until 5:00pm. Talked with a number of individuals wanting to learn all they could about starting a small business. That is very encouraging to me - the "heart" of our country is individuals reaching out to start their own small business.

The Lincoln SCORE Chapter has an assortment of volunteers that are retired businessmen wanting to give back to the community by helping individuals reach their small business goals. I am able to share my knowledge of Practical Accounting with these individuals - guiding them toward setting up their accounting systems to give them an clearer economic history of their small business. Today, I talked to eight individuals on the phone and had a face to face counseling session with a young man wanting to expand his small service business in a very unique way.

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