Saturday, October 31, 2009

Early Halloween Evening in Nebraska

I wanted to share pictures of the gorgeous red trees in front of our apartment building on this 2009 Halloween evening in Lincoln, Nebraska.

 Looking south along 70th

Our apartment is on top - 3rd floor

A nice Halloween decorated entrance

Enjoy the pictures -  it was a beautiful day today and predicted to be an even nicer one tomorrow.

Friday, October 30, 2009

The misty day still had a beautiful sunset

What started out to be a cold misty day in Nebraska ended with a beautiful sunset - we are continually blessed with the beauty that surrounds us.

Then a few minutes later

See what I mean!

The thing is - it is impossible to capture the true beauty with my camera.

Misty morning in Nebraska

The temp is 43 and there is a fine mist falling causing the chill to penetrate your bones.  I think I'll just read a good book.

It even looks cold!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

From Chapter thirteen - "Gibbon's Secrets" - The Boys In The Barn

     The winter  was holding on tight, with flakes of snow gently floating down from dark gray puffy clouds.  The low temperature seemed threatening to both man and beast (even boys).   Bud and his friends would seek refuge in Mr. Ross's big red barn during the cold days of winter.  The bran's haymow  was packed high with had, and the cows were all lined up in their stalls with their heads deep in the managers munching on hay.  The created warmth that drew the boys in to it like a magnet.
     One of Bud's favorite things in the winter was to see the big work horses come out of the barn into the corral, with the steam rising off their backs as the they plodded along.  These cold morning always created a visible cloud of cold air erupting from their warm nostrils and circling around their long faces,.  Bud had learned a trick to get the big horses to come over to the corral fence, and he shared it with his friends.  "Watch what those horses do!  I'm going to put some carrots in my pocket and show you guys what happens when I climb up on the fence."  Bud climbed up on the fence, and sure enough one of the big horses came right over and nuzzled his pockets.  Bud laughed and said, There hoses are very smart and can smell the carrots in my pocket Their nose tells them I have something for them to chew on."  Donny was already up on the fence, and another horse was headed in his direction,  "Hey, that is one neat trick!  Let me have a couple carrots for my pockets!"  Bud quickly handed Donny the carrots, and he put them in his pocket before the horse made it over to him.  Sure enough, the horse found which pocket they were in right way.  Bud climbed down off of the fence and gave carrots to each of the other boys for their pockets.  Duncan, Wally and Stanleyclimbed up on the fence with the same results.  Each in turn was squealing with delight as the big horses nuzzled their pockets.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Love is an all inclusive subject

It's much easier to love something or someone than to appear to them with a helpful hand.

How many times has pride been swallowed rather than  open a can of worms about a persons life?

How many of you have tried to wash the sin away from the sinner rather than accept them for who they are?

In a friendship, don't wait for the other person to reach out first - you make the move.

As they say  (I also wonder who they are)  love the sinner but not the sin!

Do something special for someone before they actually need it to happen!

That is, like talking and becoming a friend with your banker before you actually need a banker.

Love the individuals involved in a special project, rather than the project itself!  Then, It just seems to happen.

Have you ever taken blame for something that has happened rather than get a friend in trouble by telling what actually happened?

Have you ever shared so much of yourself that your friend is the one that progresses first?.

I'ts like - what is more important - the chicken or the egg?

By treating someone special, helping them along the way and thinking that they are more important than you - will cause your own little star to shine much brighter along the way,

There is one thing that will happen if you do all thinks with someone else in mind - your heart will grow!

Which would you rather do - Reach out or Push out?

Remember - the road is always paved with good intentions.

Someone must "Walk the Walk" not just "Talk the Talk"!!!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Colorado Mountain Home

We lived in Colorado in the late 60's in an area called Shiloh.  We were looking down the canyon at Pikes Peak and on special mornings that puffy clouds would puff right up the canyon and engulf are entire house.  It was a lovely sight enjoyed by - A Wife, Three Daughters, a Female Dog, and a male person (ME).  once in awhile I would need to raise my hand at the dinner table to divert the conversations about cramps  (I would always say "Remember girls I am still here -  talk about those subjects latter).  I usually did't work.

Our Shiloh Home in Colorado
Small balcony in the top back

Phelps' Rock Anchors House retaining wall

Large deck on back side of house - looks toward Pikes Peak

RG Bud Phelps  


Sunday, October 25, 2009

What should be in a good Practical Accounting Reference Book?

#1 - A Good Glossary of Accounting Terms

#2 - An understandable explanation of Basic Accounting Principles

#3 - A practical example of a Chart of Accounts

#4 - A practical example of a Balance Sheet

#5 - A practical example of an Income Statement

#6 - A practical example of a Cash Flow Statement

#7 - Practical summary of Business Examples

#8 - Franchise Business Alternatives

#9 - Practical Accounting Footprints

#10 - An accounting book written in Plain English for the Real World

What is the name of  this complete Practical Accounting Reference Book?
 - "Cover Your Nut" by RG Bud Phelps

Check it out!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Don't lose your family's history from your Parents & Grandparents

Today I am going to share some additional background information from my book "Gibbon's Secrets".  I have been blessed with a family willing to share their personal histories with their family members, therefore history that could have been lost has been saved.

I have been able to share this history with anyone that will read my book "Gibbon's Secrets".  My dad, Reg Phelps, saved his World War II scrap books and passed them on to me, giving me a base to share this history at the end of each of the World War II years under the title "Reg's Scrap Books World War II time line".  He had shared these with me during the times he was making them and therefore giving me a different slant on such a very important historical time for our country.

I am able to share the true story of my Grandma Jenny Claar's trip to a homestead in Nebraska from Pennsylvania to the end of the rail line at that time - Missouri Valley Iowa.  Her Grandpa Mills took her and her brother west to be with their dad.  It's a neat story and one that Grandma Jenny had shared with me many times - with the team of oxen's "Buck & Berry", her dad and uncle wearing big cowboy hats with six guns in holsters on a belt around their waists, and actually having native American Indians coming up to their cabin for food - being that most important parts of the story for a young boy.

I am also able to share a "Travel Journal of a trip from Gibbon Nebraska" from my Grandma Alice Phelps.  This journal shares what the country was like and how a trip involving a truck load of household goods owned by my Grandma and Grandpa Phelps along with a car loaded with my mother, grandmother, sister, myself and my Grandma's hat boxes (which I couldn't avoid standing on for a better view out of the car window).  This trip was an actual trip and a true story about what it was like travelling in the 1940's - again a little piece of history saved for my readers.

What I'm saying to all of you is - make sure that you check with your parents and grandparents for their stories that you can save for an important part of your history.  Check all of these stories out - they may surprise you and definitely give you something to share with friends and family.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Background for "Gibbon's Secrets"

When I was writing "Gibbon's Secrets" I knew that background information and research would be absolutely necessary to develop the story.  I called one of my early childhood friends who came back to live in Gibbon, Duncan McGregor, and told him about my Gibbon project.  I asked him if I could come over to drive around Gibbon with him to establish the background of the town and therefore to visit the sites that we knew as kids.  It was a delightful day and it was a pleasure to be able to ride around town with Duncan and to actually take pictures of some places relative to our young groups experience.  I am going to insert some of those pictures for you to get a glimpse of Gibbon Nebraska (remarkably some of the homes we knew back then are still there today).

This is a picture of the house that I was born in on January 31, 1932 in Gibbon Nebraska, right across the street from the park on the west - with Mr. Ross's Big Red Barn across the street north.

 The Park

Mr. Ross's house - the Big Red Barn is sadly gone

Duncan's house

Wally Buchanan's house

We were called the "Five Friends Forever" - consisting of Duncan McGregor, Wally Buchanan, Donny Hawke, Stanley Sylvester, and myself - Bud Phelps.

Donny Hawke's house

Stanley Sylvester's house

My Grandpa Phelps' house
The unattached garage shown in the left background was Grandpa Phelps' Gibbon Shoe Shop

All of these pictures represent actual locations for the events that happened in "Gibbon's Secrets.

Finally this is a picture of the cover of "Gibbon's Secrets" which includes a picture of Bud's 3rd grade class.

I hope that you enjoyed this little trip into "A Boy's Memories of the 40's" found in my book "Gibbon's Secrets".  Again, you can view some of the information for my books on

A very wet and cold day here in Lincoln Nebraska

At 9:00am the temp is 40, wet and cold, with a predicted high of 41. 93% humidity, wind NNE @ 20mph - with light rain and a bit windy.

Seems like a good day for me to curl up in a chair and read a good book.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A beautiful sunset viewed off of our 3rd floor deck

We are certainly blessed with this type of Nebraska sunset - viewed off of our 3rd floor deck.

The above picture was taken of a sail boat on Holmes Lake with a pink sky and the fall look on the trees.  Another blessing - we do certainly get a lot of them.

My Practical Accounting Book - "Cover Your Nut"

It is always rewarding to work with a client needing practical accounting assistance. Today I met with a client who has the goal of bettering herself and her small business by gaining a better understanding of what is going on in her business daily. I referred her to my book, "Cover Your Nut", as a very good reference book on practical accounting. I am not just bragging up my book but honestly feel that most small businesses would rather have their accountant tell them what's going on rather than utilizing information available to them in my book. I preach to every small business person I meet or work with - the need for them to gain an understanding of Practical Accounting. The sub title to my book is - "Practical Accounting in Plain English for the Real World". A small businessman that can read and understand his own Financial Statements can present his company to a lender or an investor easier and can also be a better manager of his/her own business. Taking your financial statements to your banker without being asked for them really puts you ahead of the average businessman. If you get a chance go to my web site,, please review what I say about this book - it could give you a better understanding of accounting and become a great accounting reference book for your office. Thanks for reading my blog.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Another beautiful day in Nebraska

Here it is the 20th of October and at 11:09pm it's still 60 degrees. I had SCORE desk duty today which is normally from 1:00pm to 3:00pm, but didn't get out of there until 5:00pm. Talked with a number of individuals wanting to learn all they could about starting a small business. That is very encouraging to me - the "heart" of our country is individuals reaching out to start their own small business.

The Lincoln SCORE Chapter has an assortment of volunteers that are retired businessmen wanting to give back to the community by helping individuals reach their small business goals. I am able to share my knowledge of Practical Accounting with these individuals - guiding them toward setting up their accounting systems to give them an clearer economic history of their small business. Today, I talked to eight individuals on the phone and had a face to face counseling session with a young man wanting to expand his small service business in a very unique way.

Eddie Royal name AFC Special Teams Player of the Week

A pair of special teams touchdowns against San Diego has granted Eddie Royal his first career special teams honor.

Royal will be named AFC Special Teams Player of the Week, the Broncos learned on Tuesday, for his Week 6 performance in a 34-23 victory over the Chargers. His 235 total return yards set a franchise record.

Wow! What an honor, just think - 235 yards.

Denver Broncos big win over the Chargers

The Denver Broncos beat their long time rival the San Diego Chargers tonight on Monday Night Football - 34 to 23 in the Chargers house! How sweet it is!!

I went to my first Bronco game 50 years ago and remember an early game when the quarterback Frank Tripuka tip-toed along the side lines for a big gainer against the Chargers.

I really think the "Orange Crush" is back!

Friday, October 16, 2009


How many special memories do you have of the time between 10 & 15 years old?

How about laying in the grass at a park - making different shapes out of the clouds that are floating by?

How about the sweet smell of hay in the haymow of a barn?

How about your first real crush, or your first real date?

How about your first car, or your best car?

How about the fight you had with your best friend?

Oh such sweet memories!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Adventures Growing up ("Gibbon's Secrets")

I have been sharing many of the adventures five boys found in the 1940's through excerpts from my book "Gibbon's Secrets" - My question for any of you readers - What were some of your adventures that you either created or stumbled into during your grow-up years (12-15)?

Now this is a challenge put to anyone reading this blog - I will judge the best adventure (and I do like truth flavored with a bit of fiction). You share your adventure with me by responding to this blog with a comment and I will reward the best adventure with a copy of my book "Gibbon's Secrets". My challenge starts today, Oct 14th 2009. and will be open until Oct 31st 2009. You can either send your adventure as a comment to this blog or direct to my email address,

Make it a clean, interesting, adventure - that is a combination of truth and fiction. Depending on the quality of the adventures - I may have to give away more than one book - If you already have a book you can suggest who you would like the book you win sent to.

RG Bud Phelps

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A case of Bud's mistakes or mishaps(from "Gibbon's Secrets")

Into everyones life mistakes or mishaps can happen, and early in 1940 Bud's decision to cross Highway 30 and the RR tracks to visit his friend Duncan was one of those times.

I wanted to visit my friend Duncan who lived on the south side of Gibbon and decided to go see him without asking mom for permission. I got to Highway 30 and nervously looked West and started to run across the highway. This was a "look only one way" type of mistake and I was nearly hit by a Nebraska Highway Patrol car.

The patrolman was dad's friend, Jack Shaunesey, and when he got his patrol car stopped he immediately turned on his red flashing lights. Jack stepped out of his patrol car and headed toward me, a much shaken boy. Jack was upset but remained calm with me who he knew to be his friend Reg's son. "You need to brush up on your highway safety don't you think Bud?" "I'm sorry sir. Are you going to arrest me?"

Jack didn't arrest me but did take me home in his patrol car - to have a discussion about the incident with my mother. To this day, I remember that little visit, Jack in his deliberate calm way explained to my mother Addie, how I by not thinking could have just as easily been brought home in an ambulance. This caring man's goal was to teach this young boy and his young friends highway safety through a series of visits at his home over the next several weeks. The experiences gained through Jack's safety lessons proved to be a very positive influence on the young lives of me the "Five Friends Forever". The timing was perfect for a caring man to come into these boy's lives and lead them down a safer path.

Think back - I'm sure that each of you while growing up, have had a similar experience with a caring person pointing you in the right direction. To this day when I drive though Gibbon on Highway 30 I think of Jack and how his quick action saved me from injury both in the immediate time frame plus well into the future.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Practical Accounting & QuickBooks Start-up Class

Yesterday I taught a group of ladies from 8:00am to 4:30pm "Practical Accounting" and a beginning introduction to QuickBooks. The class was very attentive and asked a series of very good questions relative to both accounting and QuickBooks. My goal was to show individuals that accounting is a very good tool for a small business owner to keep track of the economic activities of their company and not something magic that they need help to understand. Being comfortable in reading your own Financial Statements will give you a heads up on what is really happening and what you can do to improve your own operation. A small business owner is always going to be more successful if they have this tool mastered and they don't have to wait until the end of the year for someone outside of the firm to tell them what happened.

I have written the book "Cover Your Nut" for the small business community to have a reference book on "Practical Accounting in Plain English for the Real World". The book is available on line at Amazon, AuthorHouse, Barnes & Noble, Borders, and can be ordered from any local book store. Just ask for the book "Cover Your Nut" by RG Bud Phelps and you will have this valuable reference book for your small business library at a very reasonable cost.

I have a passion for bringing this information about Practical Accounting to the small business community.

Monday, October 5, 2009

140th Anniversary Celebration at Wyuka Cemetery - Lincoln NE

Pat and I attended the 140 year anniversary celebration of Wyuka Cemetery and went on the walking tour conducted by Ed Zimmer. Ed did a wonderful job of bringing the history of the cemetery alive through the grave stones and monuments.

Wyuka Cemetery was established by an act of the Nebraska Legislature in 1869 to provide a "Lincoln State Cemetery" for the new states' capital city, founded just two years before. The name is apparently derived from the Otoe language, spelled as an English speaker might hear the Native American phrases signifying "he lies down" or "place of reclining." This blending of Otoe and English seems highly appropriate for the name of a cemetery embodying Nebraska history.

Sunday was a beautiful day for the walking tour of Wyuka Cemetery and today the sky is between partly cloudy and party sunny with the temperature at 11:00am holding at 52. We are supposed to have a high of 58 today but the outlook for the week is definitely fall-like. It is a special thing to be able to get out and enjoy the beautiful areas that have been established over the years here in Lincoln - we invite you readers to visit and enjoy our state capital city.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Reg's Scrapbook - Workd war II - 1943

Throughout 1943, I have collected many news-flashes about both the war in Europe, and the expanded war in the Pacific - for this Time Line addition to my scrap book. My sources have been, The Gibbon Reporter, The Grand Island independent and the Omaha World Herald. A very interested report was received on January 11th. America's war production totaled more that 48,000 planes, 56,000 tanks, and the American Army totaled more that 7,000,000 men. Japans attack on Pearl Harbor caused a "Sleeping Giant" to spring into action.

An example of this was posted -
September 3rd - Allied forces invade southern Italy

This is information about Reg's Scrapbook - developed for me (his son Bud). i found it to be very interesting and a neat account of history to share with my reader's,

October 1st, The U.S. 5th Army, commanded by Lt. General Mark Clark captures Naples Italy.

I post this information piece-meal throughout the month from the individual World War II timelines found in my book "Gibbon's Secrets" .