Saturday, June 30, 2012

Old Glory

        It was January 1942, and five boys headed up the stairs to the haymow in the big red barn.  Snuggling down in the hay, the boys looked at each other, wondering who was going to start.  The cold wind whistled around the big door where the hay was lifted into the barn, causing them to snuggle deeper in the hay.

            After what seemed to be forever, Bud said, “We have to make something happen here in Gibbon to help the people show total support for our guys and gals in the service.  We have our own hero, my neighbor’s son, Dale Pitke, but we need something that would bring out “Patriotism” in individuals.

            Duncan stood up real excited and said, “How about rounding up some small American flags, and then march around our neighborhood showing support for our country”

            Donny jumped up and said, “That’s a great idea, Duncan!  Maybe we could also suggest that everyone fly an American flag in front of their homes!”

            These ideas fostered an idea called “The Flag Project” in a small town, in the middle of the country, at the start of World War II.  Five young boys inspired the small town of Gibbon to display their “Patriotism” through the flying of “Old Glory” in front of their homes; and by marching around this small town of under one thousand people with their small flags. 

It may sound like a small thing, but these young Patriots were effective.

This story can be found in "Gibbon's Secrets",, and you can buy your signed copy of the book by ordering it Direct from the web site utilizing PayPal.  Please make sure to request a signed copy.

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