Thursday, June 21, 2012

“Gibbon’s Secrets” – Information & Background

“Gibbon’s Secrets” – Information

Many of the incidences and individual characters in this story reflect the time frame of the 1940’s; so I am classifying it as a Historical Fiction novel.  Some of the names may have been purposely changed or added to the story to complete the fictional picture.
With the “Great Depression” nearing its end, and the war in Europe appearing to be getting stronger; the small town of Gibbon, in the middle of Nebraska, acquired a look of change.  The story is developed around various individuals living in this small town and how they reacted on the “Home Front” during World War II.  Even though the war was far across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, it impacted the everyday routines in Gibbon.  Newspapers and radios added to this war influence through pictures and stories which in turn were  added to Bud’s dad’s scrap books, and will appear as a “Time Line” of World War II battles and happenings at the end of each year in the story. 
I am sharing my memories about growing up during the 1940’s and have included many of the everyday happenings of how it was back then in this small town in the middle of Nebraska.

“Gibbon’s Secrets” – Background

The story starts with Bud lying under a large elm tree with a full and showy form, turning the puffy clouds into animals or ships to pass the time of day, when he falls asleep.  Suddenly, he feels a sharp pain in his foot and cringes in fright when a ruggedly built man kicks him again.  The man, towering above him, is blonde, tall, and wide of shoulders.  He has arms like slabs of ham, and he has steely-blue eyes.  He reaches down to pick up Bud, who quickly rolls over and runs out of the park, across the street to his home…  This is the start of Bud’s experience with the Stranger.

The above is an example of the fictional happenings that occur in Bud’s life during the 1940’s.  You will read about typical boyhood adventures during this very important time in our United States history.  Spy’s, Boy’s playing in the “Big Red Barn”, fishing at Wood River, playing war games in the park across the street from Bud’s home (Gibbon Commandos), grade school plays, the “Flag Project”, “Scrap Drives” to help the war effort, Saving Stamps saved to buy War Bonds, Rationing (gasoline, sugar, etc), boy’s “Patriotism”, role model in the form of a Nebraska Highway Patrolman, family gatherings (Birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and special occasions), are all the types of happenings and events you will be reading about in “Gibbon’s Secrets”.

In addition to the stories of “Gibbon’s Secrets” I have included the personal memories of Frank Chambers about his World War II service during the “Battle of the Bulge”.  This Postscript will contain letters to his brother Jim relative to his training while in the states, and then a Journal written by Frank developed during the “Battle of the Bulge.”  Frank served our country well, and I am proud that I can record his letters and journal as a part of my book.  Frank is an example of one of our “Ordinary Patriots,” doing his part in World War II.

Please read “Gibbon’s Secrets” and take this fictional trip back to the 40’s in this small town of Gibbon, Nebraska.  My goal is to record these bits of history for our children and grandchildren as well as the reader’s children and grandchildren even though they are Historical Fiction.  Enjoy!!

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