Monday, July 18, 2011

"What's Involved in Starting a Small Business" Workshop

The "What's Involved in Starting a Small Business"  next scheduled workshop is to be held July 25th-27th.  The workshop will be given from 7:00pm to 9:30pm at Southeast Community College, Lincoln campus 8400 "O" Street Room G-1.  You may register at the SCC Continuing Education Center - 301 S. 68th St. Place, Lincoln NE 68510 - Phone 402-437-2700.  Tuition is $35
Topics include advantages and disadvantages of business ownership; need for a detailed business plan; purpose and importance of market research; general Practical Accounting and bookkeeping requirements; overview of legal structures for small business; general types of financing, including what a lender will want to know; and business insurance considerations.
Even though all of the above topics are covered 'rapid fire' with 45 minutes to an hour for each one; it will give the participant the basic information leading them to what questions to ask and where to find some of the answers.  Lincoln SCORE volunteers are putting on the workshop in conjunction with SCC and will be available for future counseling needs the small business owner or manager may have.

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