Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Memories-Bud's Pheasant Wild Rice Cream Soup

One of my Christmas Memories was cooking my soup specialty for Christmas Day.  I have been making this soup for our Christmas for a number of years and even though I did not go hunting the last few years, someone always has been able to bring me a pheasant.  The last two years a friend in our Lincoln SCORE Chapter has brought me birds from South Dakota, and so I have been able to continue this tradition.  This years bird was a big one and my batch below was enough to feed 14 for Christmas with some left over for our evening leftover snacks (supper, as they used to say).  I did change my recipe this year slightly by using a full quart of Half & Half, which made it nice and rice - the spoon just about stood up it was so nice and thick. The soup was yummy if I say so myself.  Also, the dry mix this year consisted of one Potato Soup mix and one Wild Rice Cream Soup mix - both were dry soup packages.

If anyone reading this blog makes the soup from this recipe - please let me know how it came out for you.

Bud’s Pheasant Wild Rice Cream Soup
5 Cups    Cooked Wild Rice
6 TblSp   Butter
4 TblSp   Chopped Onions
1 Cup     Chopped Celery
4 TblSp   Minced Green Pepper
2 Cans    Mushrooms (small cans)
2 Cups    Half & Half
1 Pkg     Shredded Cheese
2 Cans    Potato Soup (large cans) or – Dry Potato Soup Pkgs

1 Bird    Pheasant

Step 1 – Prepare Pheasant
Wash Pheasant to insure the bird is ready for cooking.  Put the Pheasant in a large pot and cover completely with Chicken Broth.  Boil the bird until the meat will come off of the bones completely.  Strip the meat off of the bones and set aside.  Strain the Chicken Broth and hold for use in the soup.

Step 2 – Prepare the Wild Rice
Wash wild rice by running water through the rice in a wire strainer until the water runs clear. Cover one cup of wild rice with 2 cups of water and 1 tsp of salt. Bring to a boil, cover and barely simmer for 20-25 minutes.  When rice is tender, but not mushy, pour into a wire strainer and place back in the kettle with one inch of water.  Cover and steam for 5-10 minutes.

Step 3 – Melt butter in pan and sauté onion, celery, green               
Pepper and place in large pot.  Pour Potato Soup in pot, adding the strained chicken broth – the cooked wild rice, and the Pheasant meat that has been set aside.  Simmer this mixture for 30 minutes after bringing it to a slight boil.  Have the cheese available for individuals to add as they wish.  

Monday, December 19, 2011

Gibbon's Secrets - Christmas 1941

The Christmas of 1941 came during a time of mourning for the many service men and women lost in the attack on Pearl Harbor.  Dale Pitke's ship the "USS Arizona" sustained a loss of 1,100 lives.  Dale lost many friends that tragic day.  He also lost all of his personal belongings that were left on the ship when he came home on leave.  He was very fortunate to have been home at that time, and the Gibbon townspeople all adopted him as their personal hero.  Bud started writing Dale soon after he returned to active duty.  He pledged that a weekly letter would be sent to Dale, until the day he came home again.  The 'Five Friends Forever' helped Bud with the letters, and a strong bond was developed between this sailor and these five boys.

You can relive the history of the 40's by purchasing "Gibbon's Secrets" at your local GROW Nebraska store, on the GROW Nebraska's EBay site, the GROW Nebraska's online store, or at Amazon.

Gibbon's Secrets:A Boy's Memories of the 40's [Kindle Edition] $3.99

Gibbon's Secrets: A Boy's Memories of the 40's [Paperback] $14.95

The GROW Nebraska Holiday store in the Lincoln Gateway has at least 2 "Gibbon's Secrets" left in stock.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Relive Christmas 1941 - "Gibbon's Secrets"

I have shared how it is to relive Christmas 1941 in my book "Gibbon's Secrets" which is available on Amazon either in paperback or as a Kindle eBook.

I am bringing you factual World War II history as well as fictional stories developed from my adjusted memories of how it could have been in the small town of Gibbon in the middle of Nebraska.  My dad left me three scrapbooks of newspaper clippings from World War II which I have turned into a timeline of battles at the end of each year in the book (1940-1945).

Gibbon's Secrets:A Boy's Memories of the 40's [Kindle Edition] $3.99

Gibbon's Secrets: A Boy's Memories of the 40's [Paperback] $14.95

Gibbon's Secrets is a delightful way to share World War II Home Front history through the eyes of someone that actually lived through the experiences.  This book will be a Christmas present that you will be able to share with family and friends and as shown above can be ordered and received in time from Amazon.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December 7th 1941 - Chapter 19 "Gibbon's Secrets"

On this special day (December 7th) when we remember Pearl Harbor - I would like to share a chapter from my book "Gibbon's Secrets". 

On December 7th 1941 - Reg, Addie, Jean and Bud were visiting next door at their neighbors, George and Cecil Pitke's.  The Pitke's had invited them over for Sunday dinner after church.  When everyone was seated around the table, Cecil said, "I wanted to share this special treat of having our son Dale home on leave from the Navy."  Dale quickly responded, "Mom and Dad, you are such a blessing to me and being home with you is really something special.  Dad, would you say grace before our meal?"

George said, "It is with pleasure today, that I thank Thee Lord for the joy of spending this Sunday with our son Dale, and our special friends the Phelps'.  Lord, we ask Thee to continue protecting our loved ones, and to bless this food that is seat before us.  In Jesus' name we pray - Amen."

Bud was so proud that he got to sit next to Dale, and would be able to learn all about ship-board duty.  "Dale, what is is like being stationed on the USS Arizona?"  Dale smiled, and said, "Well Bud, it's pretty exciting.  The Arizona crew's total ship's company is more than the total population of Gibbon, and she also has many of the same conveniences found in any small town."  Bud could not even imagine a ship that would hold that many people, and have stores, places to eat, places to sleep, and even a hospital.  "Do they even have movies aboard ship?"  "Yes, they do, and we get to see all of the latest releases."  "Wow!  You probably see movies before we do in Gibbon."  "I'm sure that sometimes we do.  Did you see 'Aloma of the South Seas', staring Dorothy Lamour?"

"Yes I did, I took Marilyn Kirk to that movie on a Saturday, and Dad gave me a quarter to take her.  Since the tickets were nine cents each, I had enough left over to buy a bag of popcorn to share with her!"  Dale laughed, and said, "You are one big spender, Bud.  It's amazing that you could do so much with a quarter.

The radio was on, with a low pleasant sound of music in the background, when the song was interrupted with a news flash.  "It was just reported that Japan has delivered simultaneous bombing attacks on Pear Harbor, the Philippines, Wake Island, and Guam.  Japanese forces have invaded Malaya and Thailand, seizing Shanghai, and declaring war on the United States and Great Britain."

Everyone was in shock!  Dale immediately contacted the Naval Headquarters in California, and was ordered to return at once.  Bud said to Dale, "I want you to know that your are my hero, and I will think of you every day.  I promise that when I'm old enough I'm going to join the Navy, too."  "Thanks Bud, I'd like you to do me a favor while I'm gone.  I want you to be my pen-pal, and keep me posted on what's happening here at home.  Will you do that for me?"

"You bet!  I promise to write you every week, and probably my buddies will add little notes too.

On December 8th - President Franklin Delano Roosevelt announced to the nation by radio that the United States had declared war on Japan.  Several days following our declaration of war against Japan - Germany declared war on the United States.

These events were blows felt by the entire country.  and it could quickly be seen that his small town of Gibbon was showing its own effects of these blows.  Its young men were quickly heading to the recruitment centers in Kearney and Grand Island.  The Five Friends Forever banded together to pledge a patriotic bond supporting the United States until World War II ends in victory.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day - 11-11-11

Today I request that all citizens honor our Veterans on this very special day 11-11-11.  Thank all of you veterans and active duty personnel for your service to our country.  May you never be forgotten!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

GROW Nebraska has placed my books in their Lincoln Holiday Store

The GROW Nebraska carries my books; "Gibbon's Secrets" & "Cover Your Nut" in their Lincoln Holiday Store at the Westfield Gateway Mall #228.

GROW Nebraska Logo


GROW Nebraska is also carrying the above two books in their Kearney, Grand Island, and Norfolk stores.

Please support Nebraska Products by buying your Christmas presents at the GROW Nebraska stores.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Once again I share pics from Eye on the Fleet

The US Navy's Eye on the Fleet gives us some fantastic pics to see and share - below please find some of my selections relative to aircraft & aircraft carriers.

An F/A-18F Super Hornet assigned to the Bounty Hunters of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 2 makes its final approach
 An F/A-18F Super Hornet assigned to the Bounty Hunters of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 2 makes its final approach for landing aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier 
USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72)

The aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) conducts a replenishment at sea with the Military Sealift Command fleet replenishment oiler USNS Rappahannock (T-AO 204).
The aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) conducts a replenishment at sea with the Military Sealift Command fleet replenishment oiler USNS Rappahannock (T-AO 204).

The F-35B Lightning 11 takes off from the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1)
The F-35B Lightning 11 takes off from the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1)

Sailors assigned to the Lancers of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 131 perform final checks on an EA-6B Prowler aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72).
 Sailors assigned to the Lancers of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 131 perform final checks on an EA-6B Prowler aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72).

Lt. Col. Fred Schenk lifts an F-35B Lightning II off the flight deck of the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1).
 Lt. Col. Fred Schenk lifts an F-35B Lightning II off the flight deck of the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1).

An F-35B Lightning II makes the first vertical landing on a flight deck at sea aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1).
 An F-35B Lightning II makes the first vertical landing on a flight deck at sea aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1).

An F/A-18C Hornet assigned to Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 25 makes an arrested landing aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70).
 An F/A-18C Hornet assigned to Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 25 makes an arrested landing aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70).
Republic of Korea naval vessels transit the Korea Strait with the aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) during a passing exercise
 Republic of Korea naval vessels transit the Korea Strait with the aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) during a passing exercise

The aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) is underway with Republic of Korea naval vessels during a passing exercise
The aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) is underway with Republic of Korea naval vessels during a passing exercise

The aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) pulls out of Busan, Republic of Korea after a port visit.
The aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) pulls out of 
Busan, Republic of Korea after a port visit.

An F/A-18F Super Hornet assigned to the Black Aces of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 41 prepares to land on the flight deck of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74).
 An F/A-18F Super Hornet assigned to the Black Aces of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 41 prepares to land on the flight deck of the 
Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74).

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Practical Accounting + QuickBooks Start-Up Class - October 7 2011

Practical Accounting Plus Practical QuickBooks Start-Up Class offered at Southeast Community College -

Continuing Education Center

Practical accounting presented during major portion of the class will give you the accounting basics toward a better understanding of both accounting systems and financial statements.  Followed by Practical QuickBooks, which will give participants the basics necessary to set up your accounting information for an easier QuickBooks start-up.  A required book (“Cover Your Nut”) is available at the SCC Bookstore.
Friday October 7th,  CEC 406@ SCC Continuing Education Center (301 S. 68th Street Place) – 8:00am to 5:00pm – ACCT-3524-CEFA (instructor Phelps) – Cost $89 – call 402-437-2700 for registration information.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

GROW Nebraska has placed my books on their eBay Store

GROW Nebraska has placed my books on their eBay Store

My book “Gibbon’s Secrets” can be found on GROW Nebraska’s eBay store
Gibbon’s Secrets by R. G. Bud Phelps – Adventures in Rural Nebraska in the ’40s in Books , Fiction Literature |eBay
My book “Cover Your Nut” can be found on GROW Nebraska’s eBay store
Cover Your Nut by R. G. Bud Phelps – Practical Accounting in Plain English in Books , Textbooks, Education |eBay

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Gibbon Commandos - from "Gibbon's Secrets"

The brilliant morning sun beamed into my bedroom, and I vaulted out of bed not wanting to waste a minute of this bright sunny morning in Nebraska. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I rummaged through my closet for something to wear. Finding what I needed, I pulled up my pants, tucked in my shirt, and tore into the kitchen for my breakfast.  Thinking about all the war news I’d been hearing on the radio and seeing in the papers, I wondered if any sense could be made of the cruel treatment shown by Hitler. I quickly devoured my cereal and a piece of cinnamon toast and launched out the door, heading for Donny’s house.
 My goal this morning is to gather all of my friends to talk about the war.  I stopped at Donny’s house, and he came to the door displaying his normal timid nature, looking like he was going to be blamed for something. “Is something the matter Bud?” I said smiling, “No Donny, nothings the matter, we just need to spend some time in the park.”
Donny Hawke, a tow head with bright blue eyes, seemed to always display his shy timid smile that exhibited fear of the unknown.  Donny and I meandered along the back alleys, kicking cans and scuffing our shoes as we scampered along to gather their additional three buddies. Our next stop was to pick up Stanley. We spotted Stanley in his front yard and ran on toward him, both of us giving him bear hugs.
Stanley Sylvester, thin as a scarecrow had large round glasses and wispy-thin blond hair.  Stanley said with a very soft voice, “I hoped we could get together this morning.” I said, “You bet Stan; let’s pick up the other guys and go to the park.” Stanley said, “What’s up in the park?” “I want us to talk about what’s happening in Europe?”  Now the three of them continued their quest to gather the remaining two of the “Five Friends Forever”. Earlier in the year this group of five boys adopted that name to illustrate their friendship by standing by each other in any and all things, no matter what.
Donny, Stanley and I, quickly crossed the highway and railroad tracks, went on south for a block; we ducked into an alley with a heavy growth of trees – spread out tightly above them making it appear as a tunnel. Halfway into the alley they met their two friends coming toward them. Wally and Duncan scrambled in their direction with big grins on their faces.
Wally Buchanan, with his face full of freckles always seemed to have a mischievous grin.  Wally said, “Hey guys, what’s up?”  Duncan McGregor, the tallest of Bud’s friends always seemed to be more serious than the rest of the boys. Duncan lived relatively close to Wally and had become friends with Donny, Stanley, and I starting in the 1st grade.  Duncan said, “Hi guys, let’s hurry on over to the park.” They went back across the tracks and highway and passed through the vacant lot on the corner next to their school mate, Marilyn Kirk’s house, scampering across the street to the park. The park was their favorite place to play – summer or winter – and they could build all kinds of adventures there. They picked a grassy area in the middle of the park and stretched out their young bodies in all directions on the nice soft grass.
I waited for a bit as they all settled down and said, “Do you guys think about the war in Europe?” Wally was quick to add, “Jeepers, I do Bud. Dad is really worried about the war.” “Well”, I said, “My dad is making a scrapbook, all about the war.” Wally said with a sparkle in his eye. “Hey, that’s going to be super.” “Dad’s scrapbook started in April 1940. It shows pictures about the Nazi armies invading and occupying countries in Europe.” The boys were now scowling thoughtfully. They thought about the German army, and Donny’s eyes seemed to get wider and wider as I talked about the Nazis and said, “Have you heard about the British Commandos?  They are a very brave force of guys protecting Great Britain. They make daring raids against the Nazi forces.
We could pretend that we are like them, and form our own Gibbon Commandos. We could build our own secret headquarters. Anyway, we need a safe place to hide in case strangers or spies try to capture us.”  About then Duncan said, “C’mon Bud, how can young guys like us build a headquarters?  We don’t have any money.”   I flushed, knowing Duncan would need more information to convince him. “If we dig a trench in the vacant lot across the street from the park, all we would need is shovels for diggin’. After we get the trench dug deep enough for us to walk in we can put some old boards on top and put dirt on them.”
Donny cautiously responded, “I like the idea of a trench, Bud. It would give us a place to hide, and we can dig a room off to the side for meetings.”  “That’s a Great idea, Donny!  We can make it just big enough for us guys and also cover it with boards. Don’t forget about theStranger that tried to grab me in the park last summer. I could have hidden there until he left the park. The row of trees at the end of the lot by Park Street could hide the entrance to the headquarters.” The boys thought about the Stranger and their fear of him convinced them of the need for building a good hiding place.
Donny jumped up real excited and said, “Bud, I know that Dad has a couple of sledgehammers we can use, and I helped him lay out footings for a garage once.” Wally said, “My dad has some stakes we can use.” Duncan added, “My dad has a long tape measure that we can use to measure our trench and room. I do think we need to be somewhat close.”  “That’s great!” I said, “What neat ideas! Our own headquarters will be great. Let’s meet at the vacant lot after lunch.”
The boys all went home for lunch with promises to return, as soon as possible, with everything needed for the project.  When they returned Donny said, “Wally, you can help me with a sledgehammer, and a handful of stakes.” Duncan and I went down the vacant lot in a straight line, measuring and marking where the stakes should go. Donny and Wally were planting the stakes on both sides of the proposed headquarters. When we got to the middle, we measured out a large room on one side and marked the stakes for Donny and Wally to place them accordingly. Finally, we all reached what would be the planned end, and pounded the final two stakes in place. I looked over the layout of the headquarters and said, “This looks great, Donny, now we can start the big dig.”
Four of the boys had brought shovels for digging the headquarters and prepared to start. Stanley said, “Guys, is there something else I can do, I’m not too strong for the digging part?” “You bet, Stan, you can haul boards in your wagon to cover our headquarters.”   With a big smile and wild hand gestures, Stanley said, “Fantastic!  I can do that. Where are we going to get the boards?” I replied, “I’ll ask Dad if we can use some that we have in our backyard and maybe our neighbor, George Pitke, will let us have some of his old scrap boards. I’ll ask both of them tonight.”
The boys worked diligently on their project. They utilized their time away from their chores at home, and within a couple of weeks they could finally see some progress. The underground headquarters ended up about fifteen feet long and around five feet deep with a room going off to the side close to six feet square. Stanley faithfully carried the boards in his wagon from the beginning of the project till the end of the digging and had built a tall pile of boards to cover the trench and the room. Finally, the digging was finished; the boards placed on the underground headquarters, and the dirt from their digging used to cover all of the boards. I gathered his group of friends together and holding hands they formed a circle. “We did it! The ‘Five Friends Forever’, have built the ‘Gibbon Commando Headquarters’.” The boys all cheered with several hip-hip-hoorays, throwing their caps in the air and jumping around their new hang-out.
Later in the week, I called the first group meeting to order. “This is our very first meeting of the Gibbon Commandos. Got any suggestions?”  Wally was first and quickly said, “For sure, no girls allowed!”  Everyone laughed and agreed, “No girls allowed!”  I was reading from a British Commandos book he had received as a gift. “The British Commandos made a loyalty pledge, and I feel that we should make our own pledge for the Gibbon Commandos.”  Wally said, “Okay Bud, but how should we word it?” I read them the history behind the British Commandos and how they made a pledge that bound them together forever. “A pledge should show how we feel – maybe something like this: ‘I (Bud Phelps) pledge my loyalty to the Gibbon Commandos and the United States of America forever.’.  How does that sound?”  All of the boys agreed with the wording, and each pledged his loyalty to the Gibbon Commandos, and the United States of America.
After everyone made the pledge, I suggested, “Let’s go over to the park and see if you can see our headquarters.”  The boys headed for the park for a look-see.  Duncan said, “With the row of trees in front, our headquarters is completely camouflaged. You can’t even see a hint of the entrance to the headquarters.” The pride of accomplishment was evident on their young faces as their smiles beamed at each other.
I wondered quietly to myself, ‘Will this Gibbon Commando Headquarters really protect us from the stranger that approached me in the park?’

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A New Assortment of Navy Pictures Honoring My Favorite Service

My blog posting today is sharing US Navy pictures from September 1 through September 5 2011.  I enjoy these pictures of aircraft and aircraft carriers from the Navy's Eye on the Fleet and I thank them for making them available to us.  RG Bud Phelps

Aircraft assigned to Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 14 fly over the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) during a tiger cruise air show.
September 5th - Aircraft assigned to Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 14 fly over the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) during a tiger cruise air show. 

An F/A-18F Super Hornet refuels an EA-6B Prowler.
September 5 2011 - An F/A-18F Super Hornet refuels an EA-6B Prowler as they pass the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) 

An F/A-18C Hornet assigned to the Death Rattlers of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 323 launches from the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76).
September 5 2011 - An F/A-18C Hornet assigned to the Death Rattlers of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 323 launches from the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76). 

An HH-60H Sea Hawk helicopter assigned to the Black Knights of Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron (HS) 4 releases countermeasure flares while passing the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76).
September 4 2011 - An HH-60H Sea Hawk helicopter assigned to the Black Knights of Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron (HS) 4 releases countermeasure flares while passing the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76).

An F/A-18F Super Hornet launches from USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74).
September 1 2011 - An F/A-18F Super Hornet launches from USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Attendance at the Nebraska State Fair

I attended the Nebraska State Fair in Grand Island as a member of GROW Nebraska; Sunday August 28th, Monday August 29th, and Friday September 2nd.  GROW Nebraska had given me the opportunity to do a reading from my book "Gibbon's Secrets" at the Exhibition Hall's stage which is close to the GROW Nebraska Fair Store.  I was also given a table to display my two books; "Gibbon's Secrets" & "Cover Your Nut" and to do book signings for most of each day that I was there.

I'm reading from my book "Gibbon's Secrets"

GROW Nebraska's Fair Store
Showing a Book Rack with "Gibbon's Secrets" on display

GROW Nebraska Display table for Bud's Books

GROW Nebraska Book Display Rack
Showing Bud's Books

GROW Nebraska's book signing table for Bud's Books

I was pleased with the number of books I signed for my books sold at the GROW Nebraska Fair Store during the three days that I attended the fair.  GROW Nebraska does a great job in promoting Nebraska products and assisting Nebraska Entrepreneurs in marketing their products.  I was also surprised and pleased at the number of fair goers that stopped by my signing table to chat about Gibbon with some of them being from Gibbon and some of them with either family or friends from Gibbon.   

GROW Nebraska has permanent stores in Kearney, Grand Island, and Norfolk as well as Holiday stores in Lincoln and Columbus - plus the Nebraska State Fair Store.  The also have web presence for promoting and selling Nebraska products which you can access at  You can Shop GROW's on line store or the GROW Nebraska EBay Store.  You can also read News of Bud's Books happenings at the Nebraska State Fair on my web site,