Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Practical Accounting + QuickBooks Start-Up Class - October 7 2011

Practical Accounting Plus Practical QuickBooks Start-Up Class offered at Southeast Community College -

Continuing Education Center

Practical accounting presented during major portion of the class will give you the accounting basics toward a better understanding of both accounting systems and financial statements.  Followed by Practical QuickBooks, which will give participants the basics necessary to set up your accounting information for an easier QuickBooks start-up.  A required book (“Cover Your Nut”) is available at the SCC Bookstore.
Friday October 7th,  CEC 406@ SCC Continuing Education Center (301 S. 68th Street Place) – 8:00am to 5:00pm – ACCT-3524-CEFA (instructor Phelps) – Cost $89 – call 402-437-2700 for registration information.

1 comment:

  1. Bud,

    I'm always looking for historical books like yours for my husband who loves to read about history. You have great stories here.
    I love to see that you are a Christian who loves God. Many people are afraid to announce that, and it is ashame. I love God, too. Isn't he awesome, Bud!!??
    Our books are different, but in a strange sort of way, I can find similarity.
    My book, No Tildes on Tuesday, is a children's chapter book. Main character, Isabella, is a 13 year old biracial girl who identifies only with 1/2 of her heritage. My platform centers on diversity and bullying issues. I believe that children should love all of who they are. By doing so, perhaps bullying in our nation's schools will become a record low.
    I've posted lots or articles, blogs and activities on my website. I hope that teachers, students and their parents will read and use. We must teach our children to respect and care for each other.
    Thanks for sharing your work with us. I'll have to take a closer look at your book for my husband.
    Cherrye S. Vasquez, Ph.D.
