Saturday, December 17, 2011

Relive Christmas 1941 - "Gibbon's Secrets"

I have shared how it is to relive Christmas 1941 in my book "Gibbon's Secrets" which is available on Amazon either in paperback or as a Kindle eBook.

I am bringing you factual World War II history as well as fictional stories developed from my adjusted memories of how it could have been in the small town of Gibbon in the middle of Nebraska.  My dad left me three scrapbooks of newspaper clippings from World War II which I have turned into a timeline of battles at the end of each year in the book (1940-1945).

Gibbon's Secrets:A Boy's Memories of the 40's [Kindle Edition] $3.99

Gibbon's Secrets: A Boy's Memories of the 40's [Paperback] $14.95

Gibbon's Secrets is a delightful way to share World War II Home Front history through the eyes of someone that actually lived through the experiences.  This book will be a Christmas present that you will be able to share with family and friends and as shown above can be ordered and received in time from Amazon.

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