Friday, February 5, 2010

Practical Accounting - Special Story - "Cover Your Nut"

                                                   "Cover Your Nut Principle"

A peddler came into town with a wagon full of goods.  He drove his team up to the front of the General Store and when the Innkeeper appeared the peddler said "I need a room for the night: and I have all of these goods to assure that I'm covering the cost of the room."  The Innkeeper said, "you take off the NUT holding the wheel to the hub .

The peddler took off the wagon wheel nut and handed it to the innkeeper and said, "You may keep the nut until I sell me goods and have the need to move the wagon"   

The Innkeeper said, "When you have sold enough goods, you have               "Covered Your Nut"

This explains the principal that the "Cover" = the Revenue                            "Cover"
                                                                                                                       _________ Break-even

This explains the principal that the "Nut" = the Expenses                                "NUT"

Therefore to Break even in business you must Cover Your Nut.

RG Bud Phelps

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