Saturday, January 30, 2010

Chapter 29 - "Gibbon's Secrets" - Kearney Army Air Base - February 1943

     The Kearney Army air base started to be fully functional at the start of 1943.  Major V.B. Trevellyan, who had been assigned earlier to be the first commanding officer of the base, was gathering his command for a jump-start of the 1943 operations.  Major Trevellyan called for a meeting of his new command on January 11th, the second Monday of this New Year.  "Gentlemen, today we will put in place the plans for our training command.  This will bring flight crews together for complete training, with their assigned planes, before being sent overseas. Obviously this will be a very important task for us to accomplish, and I am relying on you to make it happen.  Training units will begin arriving in Kearney toward the end of this month on troop-trains.The first planes are scheduled to arrive February 4th.
     Major Trevellyan continued, "Now Gentlemen, are there any questions we need to address at this time?"  Lt. John Olson said, "Sir, since gate and fence security is may responsibility, I'm requesting additional meetings with the Nebraska State Patrol representative assigned to us."  Permission granted.  I believe you will be taking with Lt. Jack Shaunesey.  Is that correct?"  "That is correct, sir.  He  been has really helpful so far.,and at the present time has an individual under tight surveillance who is suspected of spying on our base.  Jack will be making a report to his troop commander next week, and has assured me that I will be copied with the details relative Kearney Army Air Base."  "Copy me on the report, Lt. Olson."  "Yes sir:"  Major Trevellyan closed the meeting by saying, "Well, if there is nothing else, this meeting is adjourned.  Let's continue our preparations for our training task ahead.

This listing below was the timetable for the development of the Kearney Army Air Base.
September 5th, 1942 - construction had started of the Kearney Army Air Base east of Kearney NE
October 6th,1943 - paving operations were initiated tor the Kearney Army Air Base run, with Reg Phelps hauling the first load of gravel for the paving mix.
November 24th, paving operations for the runwasys at the Kearney Army Base were completed.

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