Monday, May 25, 2009

From – “Gibbon’s Secrets” Prologue

     Bud, lying under a large elm tree with a full and showy form, turned the puffy clouds into animals or ships to pass the time of day, and fell asleep.  Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his foot, and cringed in fright when a ruggedly built man yelled at him.  The man towering above him said something that sounded very odd, like a low growl.  Bud had never heard anyone speak this way.

     The man was blonde, tall and wide of shoulder, deep-chested, arms like slabs of ham.  He had steely-blue eyes, and looked down at Bud with a menacing sneer.  “What are you doing here boy?  I have been looking for someone to help me, and you just might fill the bill.  Let me see how strong you are.”

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