Thursday, May 28, 2009

From - "Gibbon's Secrets" - Chapter One

     The brilliant morning sun beamed into Bud’s bedroom, and he vaulted out of bed not wanting to waste a minute of this bright sunny morning in Nebraska.  Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he rummaged through his closet for something to wear.  Finding what he needed, he pulled up his pants, tucked in his shirt, and tore into the kitchen for his breakfast.

     Bud, thinking about all the war news he’d been hearing on the radio and seeing in the papers, wondered if any sense could be made of the cruel treatment shown by Hitler.  He quickly devoured his cereal and a piece of cinnamon toast and launched out the door, heading for Donny’s house.  Bud’s goal this morning is to gather all of his friends to talk about the war.

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