Friday, September 10, 2010

My Special Dedication to 911

We dare not forget 911 - don't burn books but fly your flag in memory of the lives that were lost that fateful day.

Remember that day?  Where were you when the planes started hitting the towers, or the Pentagon, or that field in Pennsylvania?  

I was at Indian Head Golf Course just finishing my round of Seniors Golf and when I walked in the clubhouse it was being shown on the TV's.  Everyone was in shock and really didn't know the significance of this terrorist attack on our country.  The days, weeks & even months after the attack the mood of the country was very patriotic and prayerful.  

Compare this to the attitude of the public today.  Is their a turn around now with individuals talking more about their freedoms and what has been lost in this past year.  Yes, I do think people are again reaching out for conservative politicians to take back our country.  We do want our states rights and we do not want such a heavy hand from our government in Washington DC.  We do not like the socialistic trend that has been happening and I do believe that the voters will speak loudly in November.

Please don't forget that there are terrorist still out there and the "War against Terrorism" is not over by a long shot.  Don't make excuses for our great country.  Tell everyone you know how great we really are and support the conservative movements that have developed over this past year.  We need someone in the White House that will tell the world how great our country is - not someone that is prone to make excuses for something he feels we have done against the world.  Check the cemeteries in Europe and in the Pacific that show the great number of our servicemen and women that died protecting freedom all over the world.  It's like "Remember Pearl Harbor".  Now its "Remember 911".   

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