Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June 24th & July 1944 Happenings from Gibbon's Secrets by RG Phelps

Chapter Thirty Nine - "Gibbon's Secrets"

Saturday, June 24th 1944.  The Phelps family started their caravan to Curtis.  Jean was with Addie in the car, and Bud was with his dad in the pickup.

The family arrived in Curtis Saturday afternoon.  They were able to unload the truck without incident.  Reg sent Rod on his way, back to Gibbon.  Addie gave her stamp of approval on their new home, on the hill, at the end of Plum Street.  Everyone liked it very much.  It was a three bedroom house, so everyone had their own room.  The house was on the northern edge of Curtis, and seemed to be very ample for all their needs.

Chapter 40 - "Gibbon's Secrets"

Reg's Scrapbook - World War II Time Line - 1944

July 3rd - Soviet forces recapture Minsk.

July 9th - U.S. Army and Marines capture Saipan in the Marianas.  Nearly the whole Japanese Army of occupation fall, about 3,000 Japanese wounded commit suicides; Admiral Nagoemo commits hara-kiri.  The Japanese have lost about 27,000 men; the Americans lost more than 3,000 men.

July 12th - Theodore Roosevelt Jr. falls in Normandy.

July 18th - British forces break-out at Caen in France.

July 19th - The entire government of Japan resigns, Emperor Hirohito asks General Kuniaka Koiso to form a new government.

July 20th - Adolf Hitler is wounded in a morder attempt at his headquarters "Wolfschanze" in Rastenburg in East Prussia.  This was a failed attempt by German conservatives to over throw the Nazi government and kill Hitler.

July 27th - Reichsmarshal Hermann Goering is named as Germany's Mobilization Director, "to adapt in every respect the entire public life to the necessities of total warfare".

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