Saturday, May 8, 2010

John 3:16

The simplicity of understanding of John 3:16 breaks down to understanding four word:

"For God so  (loved)  the world that He  (gave)  His one and only son, that whoever  (believes)  in him shall not perish but   (have)  eternal life.

We have been going through a series on Wednesday Nights call "Go Fish" by Andy Stanley.  Andy does a fantastic job in his presentations and brings to life various verses to give us a better understanding of the Word.

Our Wednesday night session was called "Muddy Water" and he was teaching from the relationship of an individual looking through the Bible.  The idea that individuals have fears that someone may ask them a question about the Bible that you could understand.

Breaking down the simplicity of John 3:16 is definitely a good start: Key words............
The  verse can easily help us to become a fisher of men!

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