Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Why my dedication to the US Navy?
I am dedicated to the US Navy because my hero in true life, and in my book Gibbon's Secrets, was my neighbor Dale Pitke. (who's ship the "USS Arizona" was sunk when Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7th 1941) Dale was home on leave and my family was with him at his folks house for Sunday dinner on that fatal December 7th. I made a pledge to Dale that some day I would join the Navy and ten years later, March 1951, I did join the Navy and spent time on the aircraft carrier USS Valley Forge.
The picture below is of an F/A-18F Super Hornet assigned to the Fighting Checkmates of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 211 as it flies over the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN 65). The USS Enterprise is modern and much larger than the USS Valley Forge that I served aboard, but I still have that memory of time served on the "Happy Valley", as she was fondly referred to.

The picture below is of an F/A-18F Super Hornet assigned to the Fighting Checkmates of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 211 as it flies over the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN 65). The USS Enterprise is modern and much larger than the USS Valley Forge that I served aboard, but I still have that memory of time served on the "Happy Valley", as she was fondly referred to.
Isn't that a gorgeous view of the Super Hornet!
Friday, May 14, 2010
USS Enterprise (CVN 65)
The USS Enterprise (CVN 65), the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, commemorates a name which has been a continuing symbol of the great struggle to retain American liberty, justice and freedom since the first days of the American Revolutionary War. She is the eighth ship of the Fleet to carry this illustrious name that is literally defined as boldness, energy, and invention in practical affairs.
The ships named Enterprise have fought in some of the greatest naval battles in the history of the United States. These ships were manned by Sailors committed to victory under the harshest of conditions.
The Sailors onboard Enterprise are part of that proud tradition and heritage of the men and women who have gone before them and live up to their legacy with honor, courage and commitment.
I display this picture of the Enterprise as my way to honor our US Navy in remembrance of the time that I served from 1951 to 1955. I served through seven cruses aboard the USS Valley Forge CV-45 during that period of time.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
NORTH ARABIAN SEA (May 10, 2010)
An F/A-18C Hornet launches from the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69).
This angel w wings watching over troops on ground 'over there' Nice 2 have airport avail on 3/4 of globe.

From 'Navy News Service' - Eye on the Fleet.
This angel w wings watching over troops on ground 'over there' Nice 2 have airport avail on 3/4 of globe.
From 'Navy News Service' - Eye on the Fleet.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
John 3:16
The simplicity of understanding of John 3:16 breaks down to understanding four word:
"For God so (loved) the world that He (gave) His one and only son, that whoever (believes) in him shall not perish but (have) eternal life.
We have been going through a series on Wednesday Nights call "Go Fish" by Andy Stanley. Andy does a fantastic job in his presentations and brings to life various verses to give us a better understanding of the Word.
Our Wednesday night session was called "Muddy Water" and he was teaching from the relationship of an individual looking through the Bible. The idea that individuals have fears that someone may ask them a question about the Bible that you could understand.
Breaking down the simplicity of John 3:16 is definitely a good start: Key words............
The verse can easily help us to become a fisher of men!
"For God so (loved) the world that He (gave) His one and only son, that whoever (believes) in him shall not perish but (have) eternal life.
We have been going through a series on Wednesday Nights call "Go Fish" by Andy Stanley. Andy does a fantastic job in his presentations and brings to life various verses to give us a better understanding of the Word.
Our Wednesday night session was called "Muddy Water" and he was teaching from the relationship of an individual looking through the Bible. The idea that individuals have fears that someone may ask them a question about the Bible that you could understand.
Breaking down the simplicity of John 3:16 is definitely a good start: Key words............
The verse can easily help us to become a fisher of men!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
How could you beat this - the Nebraska Spring Game & FreedMen Nebraska
1st we all met at Pershing Auditorium with a group of guys (Christian Men & Boys) and a group called FreedMen Nebraska I am on a different journey of reading the Bible in one year. I have accomplished this goal before but as I said, I am on a different journey this time which is explained below by Stan Parker.
A group of us went to the NE Spring Game together this year and before we went to the game we met as a group of FreedMen Nebraska. A group of Christian men led by coach Ron Brown and that would meet and be fed by Christian speakers.
This year the group gave us "FreedMen Nebraska" T shirts to wear to the game and a FreedMen Nebraska Journal to record thoughts about our journey through the Bible. On the first page of the Journal was a message from Ron Brow.
My Fellow FreedMen,
What an honor it is for me to stand with you on this battlefield called Nebraska. With all my heart my brother,I desire to serve our Father with you in the war for this state.
Men and young men, as you start pressing in to this journal I want you to know I am waling it through with you as well. In fact, from time to time I'll be blogging, you can check out the things God is hitting me with at:
As a FreedMan, if you take one thing away from this Conquest I hope it is that God wants to intimately speak to and train you as you spend time with Him each day. The reason we've invested in creating a journal for you is because I believe it will be one of the major ways God trains you this year. He will use each individual journal page to train you to did deep inside and pull things up, gifts, talents, and insights that may have been dormant for years. There's a sleeping giant that lies inside of you and I really believe that journaling will awaken that giant and have it conquer the forces of darkness with you and in this state. Make a decision to read the Word each day, if you don't have an effective way you spend time with God. I encourage you to join the thousands of other FreedMen who are reading the One Year Bible. I am convinced that as we lock in the daily truths that He is whispering to up through journaling, how to steward this state will become more and more evident to each us personally, and to us corporately as the statewide Body of Christian men, the NPF!
I'm in this with you,
Ron Brown
Lord God,
Creator of Heaven, Earth & Nebraska,
I thank that you placed us, Christian men in this state. Father would you give us men the boldness to read,. think, journal,speak and live out your Word without fear. Show us the opposition and enable to conquer it. Would you train us this year to identify the opposition to your name and how to engage it. Would You do mighty things in Nebraska that could only be by your power. Would you stretch out Your hand to lead, and to steward all of the people and forces in this state through the name of Your Son Jesus, in each one of us. Thank You that you've made us Christian to be the most powerful force in the state of Nebraska. Would you reveal through us the answer to every lost soul in this state, the death and resurrection of Jesus for the forgiveness forgiveness of sin and eternal life. Its in Jesus name I pray, Amen -RB
I am on a different journey of reading the Bible in one year. I have accomplished this goal before but as I said, I am on a different journey this time which is explained below by Stan Parker.
You are given several references for
One Year Bible tools
Print either the entire 12month plan of the months or the new ones as you complete new months as you completer a new one. We reference, htpt;//
FreedMen Nebraska - One Year Bible Journaling by Stan Parker
Stan Parker explained this "One Year Bible Journaling" like this:
1- Read it over! (you are reading to better understand the Bible)
2- Think it through! (think through each passage group as your reading your assignment)
3- Write it down! (this is where the Journaling comes in)
4- Pray it up! (Lift up the passages you have read remember the specific & Pray to Him)
5- Pass it on! (Share the selected passage, explain what specifically impressed you)
This is the Journal outline FreedMen supplied you with the Journal
1-What scripture hit you today?
2-What struck you about it?
3-What do you think God wants you to do in response to this insight?
4-What do you think it would look like in Nebraska if every Christian man and boy were to respond to this portion of scripture like God is asking you to?
You know, writing a journal causes you to think while reading your way through the Bible and it is really a new experience - it actually forces you to carefully read all of the scripture listed for that day. After reading all of the days scripture the you can select the specific one that you want to answer the questions.
I had never written a journal like this, so was a bit hesitant to start. Now, I have journaled 11 pages for April and 1 day for May, and find it a rewarding challenge. By you going through the journal process it forces you to meditate on all of the scriptures you are reading for that particular day to write good sensible answers in the Journal. But you can remember -- It is you Journal and you can write what you want to in it.
RG Bud Phelps
Now for the Nebraska Spring Game
The first half in an exhibition game like this is always best as the key players get their chances to show off their skills first. I love football but don't enjoy the Spring game or in the pro teams the exhibition games. Can you Imagen a sell out for a Spring Red/White scrimmage. I felt the a young quarterback, new to the team, did show his ability to scramble and wasn't that bad a passer either. The receivers looked relatively looked sharp and I really didn't see any blatant mistakes either side of the ball. The glaring spot on the D line was Suh not being there, but I felt Crick filled in and will just continue to improve over the rest of his career. Niles Paul still has sticky fingers and did an outstanding job catching some long ones. The D backs did look competent and the LB played their different set well. The one thing I noticed is that their attitudes seemed to be totally positive. Bo & Carl both appeared happy at their Poster Boy special members of the team and felt that they were a stretch ahead of this same point in time last year. Football is my favorite sport so I'm ready any time for them to start, know it won't be until fall. The's that good part of the Spring Game - you get to see a little bit of football in April rather than waiting till Fall! We are going to have a good team this coming year, if not a great team.
A group of us went to the NE Spring Game together this year and before we went to the game we met as a group of FreedMen Nebraska. A group of Christian men led by coach Ron Brown and that would meet and be fed by Christian speakers.
This year the group gave us "FreedMen Nebraska" T shirts to wear to the game and a FreedMen Nebraska Journal to record thoughts about our journey through the Bible. On the first page of the Journal was a message from Ron Brow.
My Fellow FreedMen,
What an honor it is for me to stand with you on this battlefield called Nebraska. With all my heart my brother,I desire to serve our Father with you in the war for this state.
Men and young men, as you start pressing in to this journal I want you to know I am waling it through with you as well. In fact, from time to time I'll be blogging, you can check out the things God is hitting me with at:
As a FreedMan, if you take one thing away from this Conquest I hope it is that God wants to intimately speak to and train you as you spend time with Him each day. The reason we've invested in creating a journal for you is because I believe it will be one of the major ways God trains you this year. He will use each individual journal page to train you to did deep inside and pull things up, gifts, talents, and insights that may have been dormant for years. There's a sleeping giant that lies inside of you and I really believe that journaling will awaken that giant and have it conquer the forces of darkness with you and in this state. Make a decision to read the Word each day, if you don't have an effective way you spend time with God. I encourage you to join the thousands of other FreedMen who are reading the One Year Bible. I am convinced that as we lock in the daily truths that He is whispering to up through journaling, how to steward this state will become more and more evident to each us personally, and to us corporately as the statewide Body of Christian men, the NPF!
I'm in this with you,
Ron Brown
FREEDMEN Ron Brown {Introduction Prayer)
NnebraskaLord God,
Creator of Heaven, Earth & Nebraska,
I thank that you placed us, Christian men in this state. Father would you give us men the boldness to read,. think, journal,speak and live out your Word without fear. Show us the opposition and enable to conquer it. Would you train us this year to identify the opposition to your name and how to engage it. Would You do mighty things in Nebraska that could only be by your power. Would you stretch out Your hand to lead, and to steward all of the people and forces in this state through the name of Your Son Jesus, in each one of us. Thank You that you've made us Christian to be the most powerful force in the state of Nebraska. Would you reveal through us the answer to every lost soul in this state, the death and resurrection of Jesus for the forgiveness forgiveness of sin and eternal life. Its in Jesus name I pray, Amen -RB
I am on a different journey of reading the Bible in one year. I have accomplished this goal before but as I said, I am on a different journey this time which is explained below by Stan Parker.
You are given several references for
One Year Bible tools
Print either the entire 12month plan of the months or the new ones as you complete new months as you completer a new one. We reference, htpt;//
FreedMen Nebraska - One Year Bible Journaling by Stan Parker
Stan Parker explained this "One Year Bible Journaling" like this:
1- Read it over! (you are reading to better understand the Bible)
2- Think it through! (think through each passage group as your reading your assignment)
3- Write it down! (this is where the Journaling comes in)
4- Pray it up! (Lift up the passages you have read remember the specific & Pray to Him)
5- Pass it on! (Share the selected passage, explain what specifically impressed you)
This is the Journal outline FreedMen supplied you with the Journal
1-What scripture hit you today?
2-What struck you about it?
3-What do you think God wants you to do in response to this insight?
4-What do you think it would look like in Nebraska if every Christian man and boy were to respond to this portion of scripture like God is asking you to?
You know, writing a journal causes you to think while reading your way through the Bible and it is really a new experience - it actually forces you to carefully read all of the scripture listed for that day. After reading all of the days scripture the you can select the specific one that you want to answer the questions.
I had never written a journal like this, so was a bit hesitant to start. Now, I have journaled 11 pages for April and 1 day for May, and find it a rewarding challenge. By you going through the journal process it forces you to meditate on all of the scriptures you are reading for that particular day to write good sensible answers in the Journal. But you can remember -- It is you Journal and you can write what you want to in it.
RG Bud Phelps
Now for the Nebraska Spring Game
The first half in an exhibition game like this is always best as the key players get their chances to show off their skills first. I love football but don't enjoy the Spring game or in the pro teams the exhibition games. Can you Imagen a sell out for a Spring Red/White scrimmage. I felt the a young quarterback, new to the team, did show his ability to scramble and wasn't that bad a passer either. The receivers looked relatively looked sharp and I really didn't see any blatant mistakes either side of the ball. The glaring spot on the D line was Suh not being there, but I felt Crick filled in and will just continue to improve over the rest of his career. Niles Paul still has sticky fingers and did an outstanding job catching some long ones. The D backs did look competent and the LB played their different set well. The one thing I noticed is that their attitudes seemed to be totally positive. Bo & Carl both appeared happy at their Poster Boy special members of the team and felt that they were a stretch ahead of this same point in time last year. Football is my favorite sport so I'm ready any time for them to start, know it won't be until fall. The's that good part of the Spring Game - you get to see a little bit of football in April rather than waiting till Fall! We are going to have a good team this coming year, if not a great team.
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