Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life on the Happy Valley

I look back with pride on the seven cruises that I took aboard the USS Valley Forge.  First you have a fear of just getting around on such a big ship, then you settle down to the traffic pattern that you need to use, and develop a timing schedule of how much time does it take from A to B.  The longest trip I took was to go below to the compartment that housed the bails of rags used by the mechanics and metalsmith's to clean up the area and the planes after working on them.

Some more pictures about the Valley Forge

Gitmo swimming pool with the Happy Valley in the background

 Picture I use for my profile page

Refueling a Destroyer from the Valley Forge

The Valley Forge underway during the Korean Crises

The Valley is seen in the middle of the pack

A little walk down memory lane - if these pictures bring back special memories, make a comment here.

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