Friday, April 30, 2010

US Navy supplied photos of the USS Abraham Lincoln Activity

I thought you land lovers just might like to see a big ship in action.  It is such a great feeling to be a part of this type of action and these photos bring back fond memories of the aircraft carrier I was on in the 50's, the USS Valley Forge.

Launching an F-18 from the USS Abraham Lincoln

Landing an F-18 on the USS Abraham Lincoln

In/on the catwalk by the flight-deck on the USS Abraham Lincoln

The Tower - USS Abraham Lincoln

Close-up of The Tower - USS Abraham Lincoln

Just makes you want to be a part of the fun, doesn't it?  Bud............ ::+)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Kalyn's Poem

Floating Down The River

I feel free
Anyone that I want to be
No acting cool
Or sitting up Straight,
Just Being Yourself
It’s a time to
Get to know
Who you really are
It’s a chance
Of a lifetime
Floating down
The river
I feel Free!

Kalyn Groenewold


This poem was written by my granddaughter reflecting her feelings while floating on the Niobrara.  

Saturday, April 24, 2010

USS Abraham Lincoln

Now this is a sharp turn!

What a great look at a clean deck.  I don't know where this is but would bet its a shakedown cruise.  Looks like a group of the flight deck crew in the center of the flight deck.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life on the Happy Valley

I look back with pride on the seven cruises that I took aboard the USS Valley Forge.  First you have a fear of just getting around on such a big ship, then you settle down to the traffic pattern that you need to use, and develop a timing schedule of how much time does it take from A to B.  The longest trip I took was to go below to the compartment that housed the bails of rags used by the mechanics and metalsmith's to clean up the area and the planes after working on them.

Some more pictures about the Valley Forge

Gitmo swimming pool with the Happy Valley in the background

 Picture I use for my profile page

Refueling a Destroyer from the Valley Forge

The Valley Forge underway during the Korean Crises

The Valley is seen in the middle of the pack

A little walk down memory lane - if these pictures bring back special memories, make a comment here.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

USS Valley Forge CV45
I spent a  portion of two years stationed aboard the valley Forge during 1953-1955.  And while  aboard the carrier I was always stationed through the air detachment VC-4.  The Corsairs were our planes and It was our responsibility to outfit this detachment with all of parts and supplies necessary for a full air operations.  Our time frame aboard the Valle Forge was consistent with Keeping the aircraft and crew in top shape for a quick implementation of the operations.  Within this blog, at a latter time-frame I will include excerpts from the 'Seven Cruises"

We took a load of Midshipmen, picked up at the Naval Academy, going from Norfolk Va up to Halifax Nova Scotia.  We had several cruses around Cuba and other areas in the Caribbean, stopping at several islands along the way. 

We then took a cruise from Norfolk VA to Belfast Island, flew to Glasgow Scotland and made a motor trip through the various locks (lakes).The countryside was beautiful and we had the opportunity to meet both girls and boys while there.  From Ireland & Scotland we went on to the Mediterranean and made a port of call at Barcelona Spain.  The return trip was a bit rough and when we were right off the Azores it was so rough that we couldn't refuel our destroyer escorts;  therefore they needed to pull into the Azores for fuel. replenishment. . 

The USS Enterprise CVN 65

The USS Enterprise CVN 65 is recently on a shakedown  cruise and does not have its full compliment of either men nor equipment........................

I inserted the picture of the USS Enterprise to give you a comparison of the old (USS Valley Forge CV 45) and the new (USS Enterprise CVN 65).  An I thought the Valley was big!!!!!

This grand ship has been cruzing in th Atlantic after being in the National Shipyeards for Repair.