Thursday, March 18, 2010

My first attempt at reviewing books

This will be my first attempt at reviewing books I have read, and will do so with the thought being to bring interest in reading to as many people as I can.

Reading is such a joy, and something that everyone should try as a way to not only improve their minds but a way to become a part of something beyond the comfortable chair we are in while watching TV.  You can travel or be a part of an emotional or adventurous happening - as easy as opening a book.

Gift from Grandfather Frank Phelps 
My Grandfather Frank Phelps gave me two sets of books that really started my book collection.  The first set was a 24 book collection of books by James Fenimore Cooper written in the 1800’s and the second set was a 22 book collection by Bret Harte.  I read some of these books while growing up but now have decided to start at the beginning of each set and read all of the collection.

James Fenimore Cooper Collection
I started with the James Fenimore Cooper collection by first reading all of the “The Leather-Stocking Tales” which consists of five books, and even now in the 2000’s I find them totally enjoyable.  Even though the books were not written in this order Mr. Cooper suggests that we use the life of Leather-Stocking as a guide and read them as follows:  “The Deerslayer”, “The Last of the Mohicans”, “The Pathfinder”, “The Pioneers”, and “The Prairie”.  I have enjoyed Mr. Cooper’s portrayal of the life of Leather-Stocking along with the many names given to him from the Deerslayer through the Prairie.  Since the style of writing in the mid to late 1800’s was much different than it is today, it took awhile to get in the swing of the story but once you start the series you will be comfortable with his style.  These are great stories and if you haven’t had the opportunity to read them you should at least start with “The Deerslayer” to see what they are all about.  Once you read the first book of the series I feel you will feel compelled to read the next four.

Bret Harte Book Collection
Bret Harte also wrote his books in the mid to late 1800’s as a series of “sketches”, “stories”, and “papers’.  His books covered a period of California history and therefore have preserved this time for our references.  Some of the stories that you may remember hearing about are as follows: “The Luck of Roaring Camp”, “The Outcasts of Poker Flat”, “Miggles”, Tennessee’s Partner”, “High-Water Mark”, “A Lonely Ride”, and “The Man of No Account”.  These were stories of the gold mining camps and the characters living in that time frame.  Reading these historic stories really puts you back to that period and I think you will find them most enjoyable.  Again, when you read Bret Harte’s books it may take you a bit to get used to the style, but quickly you will be back in those early days in California and enjoying every moment of it.

I will add to the review list as time permits and I just request that if you enjoy these reviews, have comments about them, or have other books you feel I should review – please contact me.  Post your comments here or email me at; 

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