Friday, July 10, 2009

From "Gibbon's Secrets" - Postscript - Frank Camber's Journal

December 25th 1944

I had a decent Christmas meal from my mess kit. It got a little cold by the time I ate it. I have a heater for my truck can...took my steel helmet and pla ced it on the cab floor, then I lit my K ration wax box...itdoes not make smoke and can keep warm while I'm driving. I put the cans of beans and stuff on my truck manifold...that works well until a can of beans exploded and made a real stink.

Today we had blue sky for the first time. Our bombers and fighters were really busy. We saw dogfights very near us. Also saw gliders being towed by planes. I hear they are heading for a Belgium city called Bastogne, just east of us a few miles.

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