Friday, July 31, 2009

Gibbon's Secrets - Ch 40 - World War II Time Line 1944

August 1st 1944 - The Warsaw Resistance Army begins battling German forces in Poland. The Poles in Warsaw rose up against the Nazis knowing the Red Army was only a few miles away. The Russians, however, left the Poles to fight alone.

Gibbon's Secrets - Ch 34 - World War II Time Line 1943

August 1st 1943 - "Operation Tidlewave" - US Air Forces bomb the oil fields of Ploesti, Romania - 175 B-24's leave from Benghazi and 92 returns.

Gibbon's Secrets - Ch 28 - World War II Time Line 1942

July 31st 1942 - A Report was received that the German U-boats sunk 93 Allied cargo ships with 454,535 tons of cargo lost between the US coast, the North Sea and in the Mediterranean during the month of July.

Monday, July 27, 2009

World War II Posters

I am posting these World War II posters for your enjoyment.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Seward Nebraska - July 4th

World War II history - Gibbon, Nebraska

If anyone out there is interested in World War II history they can re-live that time frame of 1940-1945 by reading my account of growing up in a small town in Nebraska. Fortunately my Father left me three scrap books containing newspaper clippings about World War II - I researched the interesting battles and have included them as a "World War II Time Line" at the end of each year covered in my memories. The book, "Gibbon's Secrets", is available on line and you can find out where to buy it on my web site Check it out and take your trip back in time!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

"Practical Accounting Plus QuickBooks Start-Up"

Friday July 24th I will be teaching a class at Southeast Community College - Continuing Education Bldg @ 301 S 68th St Place, Lincoln 68510. The name of the class is "Practical Accounting Plus QuickBooks Start-Up" - Course # ACCT-3524. The cost is $89 plus the purchase of the Practical Accounting book "Cover Your Nut", which is available at the SCC bookstore - main campus off of 84th & "O". To register call Amy Chesley SCC - 402-437-2709.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Questions on my books????????

I am curious today, does anyone out there reading my blog have any questions about my two books?

Please contact me at with your special questions and I will respond.

Monday, July 13, 2009

From "Cover Your Nut" - 2.6 Franchise Business Alternatives

General Information About Franchise Alternatives

Interestly enough, if you would go on the internet and do a search of franchise businesses, Google would give you 27,400,000 possibilities, and that can really be a bit overwhelming! Where do we start.

First, if you are really interested in a franchise business, more than likely it will be one that you personally know something about or have had a desire to own. You can do the internet search, trying to pin down the areas that you feel would be the best fit for you.

Friday, July 10, 2009

From "Gibbon's Secrets" - Postscript - Frank Camber's Journal

December 25th 1944

I had a decent Christmas meal from my mess kit. It got a little cold by the time I ate it. I have a heater for my truck can...took my steel helmet and pla ced it on the cab floor, then I lit my K ration wax box...itdoes not make smoke and can keep warm while I'm driving. I put the cans of beans and stuff on my truck manifold...that works well until a can of beans exploded and made a real stink.

Today we had blue sky for the first time. Our bombers and fighters were really busy. We saw dogfights very near us. Also saw gliders being towed by planes. I hear they are heading for a Belgium city called Bastogne, just east of us a few miles.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

From "Gibbon's Secrets" - World War II Time Line - Operation Husky-July 9th 1943

The documents from "Operation Mincemeat" were retrieved and sent to Axis commanders who were fooled by them and Sicily was taken by the Allies through "Operation Husky".

"Operation Husky" is launched by Allied forces in the invasion of Sicily, Italy. The operation was an Airborne-Amphibious Operation consisting of 160,000 men (8 divisions), 14,000 vehicles, 600 tanks and 1,800 cannons.

From "Gibbon's Secrets" - World War II Time Line - Operation Mincemeat-April 30th 1943

Operation-Mincemeat was a highly successful Allied deception plan against Axis Forces when planning the invasion of Sicily. The operation involved releasing a dead man in a life jacket off the coast of Spain; a briefcase attached to the body contained fake documents identifying the man as a Major William Martin and copies of fake Allied invasion plans stating the Allies were planning an invasion of Sardinia rather than Sicily.