Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Joyful Surprise!

Today I would like to relate a joyful surprise!  I gave one of my books, "Back in the Day", to a daughter of my best friend and also one to her son, my friends grandson, awhile back.  Even though our time of meeting for lunch was related to a sorrowful loss in their family; the two of them were laughing at situations in the book. I was bringing sunshine into their lives through sharing a historical fictional situation involving her Dad and his granddad.

Since that time I have been communicating with both of them through social media where I shared pictures of her Dad, the young man's Granddad, and also a picture of my friends Granddad (who was this young man's Great-GreatGanddad).  I was glad I could bring this to them and therefore have expanded our friendships.

When you write a book, have it published, and then start your distribution process; you have no clue as to how your readers are going to accept it.  I didn't count on "Back in the Day" by RG Bud Phelps to be a best seller but to hear laughter from new friends while they are reading it, brought about "A Joyful Surprise" to me.  If you bring an expression of joy from your readers, it is a reward you didn't expect!  Have I sold a ton of books since it was introduced on Amazon?  No!  Have I heard special comments and expressions of joy from readers after they have read it?  Yes!  Has a long list of reviews appeared on Amazon from readers of "Back in the Day" by RG Bud Phelps?  No, but the ones I have received have been very special to me and I thank the readers who posted them.

Writers should remember this - your goal to have readers enjoy and find that reading your book brought joy to their lives - is priceless!

I ask you, the reader of this blog to read "Back in the Day" to check out why the two readers referred to above were smiling and laughing while reading it.  

My books are show on my Amazon's Author Page - My Amazon Author Page

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