Monday, March 12, 2012

Author Show Interview link is on my web site Media page

My Author Show interview of my book Gibbon's Secrets can be seen at any time by going to the Media Page on my web site.

Because of so many questions about the secrets in the book as well as what is true and what is not true, I'm consider supplying a list on my blog of the items, individuals, or places that are true and the ones that are not with a brief explanation.  Please comment on whether you think this is a good or a bad idea.

Please either add you comments here or email them to me -

Thursday, March 8, 2012

RG Bud Phelps will be the featured author all weekend - March 9-11-2012

The Author Show on line Gibbon's Secrets interview

I will be featured all weekend (9th-11th) on The Author Show - starting tomorrow March 9

The link to the show is - My "Gibbon's Secrets" interview for The Author Show is the featured interview all weekend, and will be available all weekend any time you log in. When you get to the following link I will be the featured author for the day so you don't have to go there at a specific time. The link is-

Please let me know if you listen to the interview.
