Monday, January 30, 2012

Gibbon's Secrets Snippet - The Big Red Barn in Winter

The winter still was holding on tight, with flakes of snow gently floating down from dark gray, puffy clouds.  The low temperatures seemed threatening to both man and beast (even boys).  Bud and his friends would seek refuge in Mr. Ross’s big red barn during the cold days of winter.  The barn’s haymow was packed high with hay, and the cows were all lined up in their stalls with their heads deep in the mangers munching on hay.

The boys walked in the barn past the stalls and in front of the mangers.  Bud stopped and said, “Alright guys, here is another secret I’ll share with you.  Take some of the pellets you see there in the manger and put them in your pocket.  The pellets will give us special powers when we are flying off of the rafters, but eating them has to be our secret.  Grown-ups and sisters just don't understand.”  Each of the boys put some of the pellets in their pockets and followed Bud up the stairs to the haymow.  Donny pulled Bud aside when they got upstairs.  “Are you sure they won’t make us sick?”  Bud said, “I’m sure, Donny. How could pressed alfalfa and molasses make you sick?”  Wally hadn’t waited.  “These pellets are great Bud, I love the way they crunch when you bite down on them.”  With that testimonial, Duncan and Stanley started chewing away on the pellets, and thinking that it was pretty neat.  The boys felt that the pellets did give them special powers, and fortunately none of them got sick.  

Sunday, January 29, 2012

New pictures of our Great-Grandson Hunter Jackson Kiihne

 Hunter with is mommy Kelly

Hunter in his dad Vinny's arms

Hunter held up by his dad

Now I just have to say that he is the sweetest & cutest Great-Grandson ever! (for now)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Our new GREAT-Grandson Hunter - Born 1/2/2012

My first pictures of our new GREAT-Grandson born January 2, 2012 @ 7:03pm - 7# 12oz - 21" long.

GREAT-Grandma Pat & Hunter

Close up of Hunter

Another close up of Hunter

Kalyn & Hunter

GREAT-Aunt Shauna & Hunter

Close up of Hunter in Shauna's arms

Uncle Cory & Hunter
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